Show patches with: Submitter = Siddharth Vadapalli       |    State = Action Required       |    Archived = No       |   10 patches
Patch Series A/F/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[2/2] configs: j784s4_evm_a72_defconfig: enable USB DFU boot, DFU flash and UMS J784S4: Enable USB DFU boot, DFU flash and UMS configs - - - - --- 2025-02-18 Siddharth Vadapalli trini New
[1/2] configs: j784s4_evm_r5_defconfig: enable USB DFU boot J784S4: Enable USB DFU boot, DFU flash and UMS configs - - - - --- 2025-02-18 Siddharth Vadapalli trini New
[v4,7/7] configs: am62x_a53_usbdfu: enable USB MASS Storage command AM62,AM62-LP,AM62A,AM62P,J722S: USB DFU and UMS - - - - --- 2025-02-10 Siddharth Vadapalli trini New
[v4,6/7] configs: j722s_evm_a53_defconfig: enable USB DFU support AM62,AM62-LP,AM62A,AM62P,J722S: USB DFU and UMS - - - - --- 2025-02-10 Siddharth Vadapalli trini New
[v4,5/7] board: ti: j722s: env: include environment for DFU AM62,AM62-LP,AM62A,AM62P,J722S: USB DFU and UMS - - - - --- 2025-02-10 Siddharth Vadapalli trini New
[v4,4/7] configs: am62px_evm_a53_defconfig: enable USB DFU support AM62,AM62-LP,AM62A,AM62P,J722S: USB DFU and UMS - - 2 - --- 2025-02-10 Siddharth Vadapalli trini New
[v4,3/7] configs: am62x_r5_usbdfu: extend for AM62Px AM62,AM62-LP,AM62A,AM62P,J722S: USB DFU and UMS - - 2 - --- 2025-02-10 Siddharth Vadapalli trini New
[v4,2/7] board: ti: am62px: env: include environment for DFU Boot AM62,AM62-LP,AM62A,AM62P,J722S: USB DFU and UMS - - 2 - --- 2025-02-10 Siddharth Vadapalli trini New
[v4,1/7] configs: am62ax_evm_a53_defconfig: enable USB DFU support AM62,AM62-LP,AM62A,AM62P,J722S: USB DFU and UMS - - - - --- 2025-02-10 Siddharth Vadapalli trini New
usb: cdns3: continue probe even when USB PHY device does not exist usb: cdns3: continue probe even when USB PHY device does not exist - 1 - - --- 2024-07-02 Siddharth Vadapalli marex New