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[2,01/23] instrument: Add documentation

Message ID 20130416134938.21269.73939.stgit@fimbulvetr.bsc.es
State New
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Commit Message

Lluís Vilanova April 16, 2013, 1:49 p.m. UTC
Signed-off-by: Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>
 docs/instrumentation.txt |  496 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/tracing.txt         |    9 +
 2 files changed, 505 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/instrumentation.txt
diff mbox


diff --git a/docs/instrumentation.txt b/docs/instrumentation.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b33d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/instrumentation.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ 
+= Trace instrumentation =
+== Introduction ==
+This document describes how the events provided by the tracing infrastructure
+(described in the document "tracing.txt") can be extended with user-provided
+Instrumentation comes in two (three) flavours; dynamic and static (and none at
+all). Both provide means for you to associate code to specific tracing events
+that have the "instrument" property in the "trace-events" file.
+As opposed to using tracing backends that can dynamically load user-defined code
+into the tracing events (e.g., "dtrace"), trace instrumentation provides a
+well-defined API for the user-provided code to interact with QEMU.
+In the case of dynamic instrumentation, you can load and unload a shared object
+(a dynamic library) to establish your instrumentation callbacks. This mechanism
+provides a trade-off between performance and the simplicity of reusing the same
+QEMU binary for different instrumentation scenarios.
+In the case of static instrumentation, you must provide a static library that is
+compiled directly into QEMU. This mechanism can provide better performance, at
+the expense of having to recompile QEMU for each different instrumentation
+== Selecting the events to instrument ==
+You must declare which events to instrument before compiling QEMU.
+This can be done by adding the "instrument" property (and removing the "disable"
+property, if any) in the events listed in the "trace-events" file.
+In order to avoid modifying the QEMU sources, you can simply create a new
+trace-events file with your modifications:
+    cp /path/to/qemu-source/trace-events /tmp/trace-events
+    sed -i -e "s/qemu_vmalloc(/instrument qemu_vmalloc(/g" /tmp/trace-events
+Note: You must remove the "disable" property (if any) if you want to add the
+"instrument" property of an event, as these are mutually exclusive.
+== Pre-defined instrumentation callbacks ==
+If you are using dynamic auto-instrumentation (see 'QI_CTRL_INSTR_AUTO' below)
+or static instrumentation, your callbacks must follow a specific naming scheme:
+Two other default callbacks are provided by QEMU:
+* 'qi_event_${event}_nop'
+  Does nothing.
+  This is the default callback for all instrumentable events when using dynamic
+  instrumentation.
+* 'qi_event_${event}_trace'
+  Call QEMU's tracing backend. That is, trace the event using whatever tracing
+  backend QEMU has been configured with.
+  See document "tracing.txt" to learn more about tracing events with QEMU (e.g.,
+  write events into a file or print them on the screen).
+All these callbacks are declared in the "qemu-instr/events.h" header.
+== Dynamic instrumentation ==
+Dynamic instrumentation is based on dynamically loadable libraries that can be
+loaded and unloaded from QEMU at any point in time. This also includes an API to
+dynamically set the per-event tracing instrumentation callback at any point in
+Being able to load and unload an instrumentation library provides a comfortable
+mechanism to test multiple instrumentation approaches without having to
+recompile or restart QEMU between instrumentation tests.
+Note: By default, events are set to use the 'qi_event_${event}_nop' callback.
+=== Example ===
+1. Select the events to instrument in file "trace-events" (see above).
+2. Build QEMU with dynamic trace intrumentation:
+    mkdir -p /tmp/qemu-build
+    cd /tmp/qemu-build
+    /path/to/qemu-source/configure              \
+        --with-trace-events=/tmp/trace-events   \
+        --with-trace-instrument=dynamic         \
+        --enable-trace-backend=stderr           \
+        --prefix=/tmp/qemu-install
+    make
+    make install
+3. Create the "Makefile" to build the instrumentation library:
+    mkdir -p /tmp/my-dinstrument
+    cat > /tmp/my-dinstrument/Makefile <<EOF
+    QEMU_PATH=/tmp/qemu-install/
+    CFLAGS += -O3
+    CFLAGS += -Werror -Wall
+    CFLAGS += -I$(QEMU_PATH)/include
+    all: libtrace-instrument.la
+    libtrace-instrument.la: instrument.lo
+            libtool --mode=link --tag=CC $(CC) -module -rpath /usr/local/lib -o $@ $^
+    %.lo: %.c
+            libtool --mode=compile --tag=CC $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $^
+    clean:
+            $(RM) -f *.o *.so *.lo
+            $(RM) -Rf .libs
+    EOF
+4. Create the necessary source code files to implement your event instrumentation:
+    cat > /tmp/my-dinstrument/instrument.c <<EOF
+    #include <stdio.h>
+    #include <assert.h>
+    /* get event declarations */
+    #include <qemu-instr/events.h>
+    /* enumerate events and manipulate their instrumentation callbacks */
+    #include <qemu-instr/control.h>
+    /* manipulate the dynamic tracing state of events */
+    #include <qemu-instr/trace.h>
+    /* define instrumentation callbacks during event execution:
+     * qi_event_${event}
+     */
+    /* called every time QEMU traces event 'qemu_vmalloc' */
+    void qi_event_qemu_vmalloc(size_t size, void *ptr)
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "qemu_vmalloc! [instrument]\n");
+        /* call the original tracing routine */
+        qi_event_qemu_vmalloc_trace(size, ptr);
+        /* disable instrumentation and tracing after 10 calls */
+        static int c = 0;
+        if (c++ > 10) {
+            QIEvent *ev = qi_ctrl_event_id(QI_EVENT_QEMU_VMALLOC);
+            qi_ctrl_event_set(ev, QI_CTRL_INSTR_NOP);
+            qi_trace_event_set_state_dynamic(ev, false);
+        }
+    }
+    /* mandatory initialization callback */
+    void qi_init(int argc, const char *argv)
+    {
+        int i;
+        fprintf(stderr, "init!\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "    argc :: %d\n", argc);
+        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "            -> %s\n", argv[i]);
+        }
+        /* iterate on all trace events */
+        QIEvent *ev = NULL;
+        while ((ev = qi_ctrl_event_pattern("*", ev)) != NULL) {
+            /* auto-instrument all events instrumentable at execution time */
+            if (qi_ctrl_event_is_available(ev)) {
+                printf("[exec] instrumenting '%s'\n",
+                       qi_ctrl_event_get_name(ev));
+                /* auto-detect instrumentation routines */
+                bool instrumented = qi_ctrl_event_set(ev, QI_CTRL_INSTR_AUTO);
+                assert(instrumented);
+                /* activate tracing for that event
+                 * (otherwise qi_event_${event}_trace does nothing when using
+                 * the 'stderr' backend)
+                 */
+                qi_trace_event_set_state_dynamic(ev, true);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* mandatory finalization callback */
+    void qi_fini(void)
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "fini!\n");
+        /* ensure all tracing is disabled */
+        QIEvent *ev = NULL;
+        while ((ev = qi_ctrl_event_pattern("*", ev)) != NULL) {
+            qi_trace_event_set_state_dynamic(ev, false);
+        }
+        /* instrumentation callbacks are automatically reset by QEMU */
+    }
+    EOF
+5. Compile the instrumentation library:
+    make -C /tmp/my-dinstrument
+6. Start QEMU with the instrumentation library:
+    /tmp/qemu-install/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
+        -instr file=/tmp/my-dinstrument/.libs/libtrace-instrument.so
+Alternatively, you can explicitly set which events and with which callback you
+want to instrument them:
+    /* ... */
+    void qi_init(int argc, const char *argv)
+    {
+        int i;
+        fprintf(stderr, "init!\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "    argc :: %d\n", argc);
+        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "            -> %s\n", argv[i]);
+        }
+        QIEvent *ev;
+        bool instrumented;
+        /* NOTE: the callbacks can be pointers to arbitrary routines;
+         *       there's no need to follow the 'qi_event_${event}' naming
+         *       scheme if you're not using QI_CTRL_INSTR_AUTO.
+         */
+        ev = qi_ctrl_event_id(QI_EVENT_QEMU_VMALLOC);
+        assert(ev);
+        printf("[exec] instrumenting '%s'\n",
+               qi_ctrl_event_get_name(ev));
+        instrumented = qi_ctrl_event_set(ev, execute_qemu_vmalloc);
+        assert(instrumented);
+        qi_trace_event_set_state_dynamic(ev, true);
+    }
+    /* ... */
+== Static instrumentation ==
+Static instrumentation relies on you providing a directory that QEMU will
+compile on to produce a static library. The instrumentation library is compiled
+during the compilation of QEMU's target-dependant code, and the directory you
+provided will be present on the include path. This static library will then be
+linked into QEMU itself.
+This mechanism allows you to inline your own instrumentation code into the QEMU
+tracing routines. This requires the (partial) recompilation of QEMU whenever the
+instrumentation analysis code changes, and is thus intended for
+performance-critical event instrumentation analysis.
+For this reason, you can prototype your analysis using dynamic instrumentation
+before moving to static instrumentation.
+=== Example ===
+1. Select the events to instrument in file "trace-events" (see above).
+2. Create the "Makefile" to build the instrumentation library:
+    mkdir -p /tmp/my-sinstrument
+    cat > /tmp/my-sinstrument/Makefile <<EOF
+    include $(BUILD_DIR)/config-host.mak
+    include $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET_DIR)../config-target.mak
+    include $(SRC_PATH)/rules.mak
+    vpath %.c /tmp/my-sinstrument
+    libtrace-instrument.a: CFLAGS += -I$(SRC_PATH)/instrument
+    libtrace-instrument.a: CFLAGS += -I$(BUILD_DIR)/instrument
+    libtrace-instrument.a: instrument.o
+    # Include automatically generated dependency files
+    -include $(wildcard *.d)
+    EOF
+3. Create the necessary source code files to implement the event instrumentation.
+   The same code on the dynamic instrumentation example can be used, eliminating
+   calls to 'qi_ctrl_event_set'.
+   See below for a description on how to reuse the same code to work with both
+   instrumentation types.
+4. Build QEMU with static trace intrumentation:
+    mkdir -p /tmp/qemu-build
+    cd /tmp/qemu-build
+    /path/to/qemu-source/configure                        \
+        --with-trace-events=/tmp/trace-events             \
+        --with-trace-instrument=static                    \
+        --with-trace-instrument-path=/tmp/my-sinstrument  \
+        --enable-trace-backend=stderr                     \
+        --prefix=/tmp/qemu-install
+    make
+    make install
+=== Performance optimizations ===
+You can create a few header files in the user-provided instrumentation path
+('--with-trace-instrument-path') to further optimize static instrumentation:
+* "events-pre.h"
+  Included before the code of the in-QEMU and tracing backend-specific header
+  ("trace.h").
+  This header can contain per-event defines to allow the user to provide an
+  inlined version of the instrumentation routine (see "events-post.h"):
+    #define QI_EVENT_${EVENT}_INLINE 1
+  Example:
+    #ifndef EVENTS_PRE_H
+    #define EVENTS_PRE_H
+    #endif /* EVENTS_PRE_H */
+* "events-post.h"
+  Included after the code of the in-QEMU and tracing backend-specific header
+  ("trace.h").
+  This header can contain arbitrary user-provided code that will be inlined into
+  all QEMU files using tracing events. This includes inlined versions of the
+  instrumentation routines.
+  For example, inlining the fast-path of the instrumentation code:
+    #ifndef EVENTS_POST_H
+    #define EVENTS_POST_H
+    #include <qemu-instr/events.h>
+    // file residing in "/tmp/my-sinstrument/my-header.h",
+    // which declares 'my_trace_qemu_vmalloc_slow'
+    #include "my-header.h"
+    // requires "#define QI_EVENT_QEMU_VMALLOC_INLINE 1" in "events-pre.h"
+    static inline void qi_event_qemu_vmalloc(size_t size, void *ptr)
+    {
+        if (/* ... performance-critical condition ... */) {
+            /* ... performance-critical code ... */
+        } else {
+            my_trace_qemu_vmalloc_slow(size, ptr);
+        }
+    }
+    #endif /* EVENTS_POST_H */
+Note: All these headers are completely optional, and will only be used if they
+exist at compile time.
+== Loading and unloading instrumentation libraries ==
+QEMU starts with all instrumentation callbacks set to their default value, which
+corresponds to a call to 'qi_event_${event}_nop'.
+To load a dynamic instrumentation library, the user can either use the "-instr"
+command line argument, or the "instr-load" command available in the QEMU
+monitor, QAPI and QMP.
+Once loaded, QEMU will call the 'qi_init' routine in the instrumentation library.
+To unload a dynamic instrumentation library, the user can use the "instr-unload"
+When unloading, QEMU will call the 'qi_fini' routine in the instrumentation
+library, and immediately after restore all the instrumentation callbacks to
+their default value.
+In the case of static instrumentation, the commands "instr-load" and
+"instr-unload" are not available, and thus the instrumentation library is
+already loaded when QEMU starts, and is unloaded when QEMU exits.
+== Instrumentation API ==
+Both dynamic and static trace instrumentation libraries can interact with QEMU
+using the API provided in the headers found under the "qemu-instr" directory
+(installed alongside QEMU).
+=== Event enumeration ===
+Events can be obtained either by identifier or by name. Identifiers are values
+of the enumeration 'QIEventID' and follow the naming scheme 'QI_EVENT_${EVENT}'
+(e.g., 'QI_EVENT_QEMU_VMALLOC' for the "qemu_vmalloc" event).
+Identifiers, together with defines indicating if an event is enabled at
+compile-time ('QI_EVENT_${EVENT}_ENABLED') are located in the
+"qemu-instr/events-list.h" header.
+The interface to obtain and enumerate these events is located in the
+"qemu-instr/control.h" header.
+=== Event tracing ===
+You can interact with the state of QEMU's event tracing backend (see document
+"tracing.txt") through the API in the "qemu-instr/trace.h" header.
+=== Event instrumentation ===
+You can control the instrumentation callbacks of events through the API in the
+"qemu-instr/control.h" header.
+=== Instrumentation type discrimination ===
+The same source code for an instrumentation library can result in different code
+depending on the current instrumentation type (either dynamic or static):
+* "qemu-instr/config.h"
+  The define QI_TYPE_STATIC (QI_TYPE_DYNAMIC) will be available and set to 1 if
+  QEMU has been compiled with static (dynamic) instrumentation.
+* "qemu-instr/control.h"
+  Routine 'qi_ctrl_dynamic' can be used to discriminate if dynamic
+  instrumentation is available.
+  Similarly, routine 'qi_ctrl_event_is_available' indicates whether the given
+  event is available for instrumentation (both static and dynamic).
+With this, you can ensure the same code will work under both instrumentation
+Example initialization:
+    #if defined(QI_TYPE_DYNAMIC)
+    #include "events-post.h"
+    #endif
+    void qi_init(int argc, const char *argv)
+    {
+        int i;
+        fprintf(stderr, "init!\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "    argc :: %d\n", argc);
+        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "            -> %s\n", argv[i]);
+        }
+        QIEvent *ev = NULL;
+        while ((ev = qi_ctrl_event_pattern("*", ev)) != NULL) {
+            if (qi_ctrl_event_is_available(ev)) {
+                /* changing the callback will fail during static instrumentation */
+                if (qi_ctrl_dynamic()) {
+                    bool instrumented = qi_ctrl_event_set(ev, QI_CTRL_INSTR_AUTO);
+                    assert(instrumented);
+                }
+                qi_trace_event_set_state_dynamic(ev, true);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+Example "events-post.h":
+    #if defined(QI_TYPE_STATIC)
+    static inline
+    #endif
+    void qi_event_qemu_vmalloc(size_t size, void *ptr)
+    {
+        /* ... */
+    }
diff --git a/docs/tracing.txt b/docs/tracing.txt
index cf53c17..d33717b 100644
--- a/docs/tracing.txt
+++ b/docs/tracing.txt
@@ -255,3 +255,12 @@  guard such computations and avoid its compilation when the event is disabled:
 You can check both if the event has been disabled and is dynamically enabled at
 the same time using the 'trace_event_get_state' routine (see header
 "trace/control.h" for more information).
+=== "instrument" ===
+When compiling QEMU with trace instrumentation enabled, the "instrument"
+property lets you provide your own implementation for that trace event. This
+implementation can override and/or wrap the backend-specific tracing code
+(regardless of the tracing backend).
+See the document "instrumentation.txt" for more information.