diff mbox

[03/18] Add SOLIBS and SOLIBSDEV suffix for darwin

Message ID 1350833261-8401-3-git-send-email-diorcet.yann@gmail.com
State Under Review
Delegated to: Esben Haabendal
Headers show

Commit Message

Yann Diorcet Oct. 21, 2012, 3:27 p.m. UTC
From: Yann Diorcet <yann.diorcet@belledonne-communications.com>

Darwin uses dylib extension.
Use negative instruction for removing SOLIBS from dev package (on darwin)
 conf/package.conf |    4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)


Esben Haabendal Oct. 22, 2012, 6:27 p.m. UTC | #1
Yann Diorcet <diorcet.yann@gmail.com> writes:

> From: Yann Diorcet <yann.diorcet@belledonne-communications.com>
> Darwin uses dylib extension.
> Use negative instruction for removing SOLIBS from dev package (on
> darwin)

Although not 100.0% backwards compatible, I tend to accept this into
OE-lite/core 3.

Any recipes with non-standard library filenaming or packaging could have
added files to FILES_${PN}-dev that matches the new '!' globs, and will
suddenly have these files not included in the -dev package as without
this change.

Looking through OE-lite/base, I haven't found any recipes that looks
like this, and I believe it is likely that we won't see any fallouts at

So let's take it in now, but keep an eye out for such problems.


> ---
>  conf/package.conf |    4 ++++
>  1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/conf/package.conf b/conf/package.conf
> index d4e53d7..b513086 100644
> --- a/conf/package.conf
> +++ b/conf/package.conf
> @@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ HOMEPAGE	= "unknown"
>  SOLIBS				= ".so.*"
>  SOLIBS:HOST_OS_mingw32		= "-*.dll"
> +SOLIBS:HOST_OS_darwin           = ".*.dylib"
>  SOLIBSDEV			= ".so"
>  SOLIBSDEV:HOST_OS_mingw32	= ".dll.a"
> +SOLIBSDEV:HOST_OS_darwin        = ".dylib"
>  PACKAGES	= "${PN}-dbg ${PN}-doc ${PN}-dev ${PN}-locale ${PN}"
> @@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ ${base_libdir}/*.a
>  ${base_libdir}/*.la
>  ${base_libdir}/*.o
>  ${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV}
> +!${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
>  ${datadir}/aclocal
>  ${datadir}/pkgconfig
>  ${includedir}
> @@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ ${libdir}/*.la
>  ${libdir}/*.o
>  ${libdir}/*/include
>  ${sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV}
> +!${sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
>  ${libdir}/pkgconfig
>  """
Yann Diorcet Oct. 22, 2012, 6:39 p.m. UTC | #2
Le 22/10/2012 20:37, Diorcet Yann a écrit :
> Le 22/10/2012 20:27, Esben Haabendal a écrit :
>> Yann Diorcet <diorcet.yann@gmail.com> writes:
>>> From: Yann Diorcet <yann.diorcet@belledonne-communications.com>
>>> Darwin uses dylib extension.
>>> Use negative instruction for removing SOLIBS from dev package (on
>>> darwin)
>> Although not 100.0% backwards compatible, I tend to accept this into
>> OE-lite/core 3.
>> Any recipes with non-standard library filenaming or packaging could have
>> added files to FILES_${PN}-dev that matches the new '!' globs, and will
>> suddenly have these files not included in the -dev package as without
>> this change.
>> Looking through OE-lite/base, I haven't found any recipes that looks
>> like this, and I believe it is likely that we won't see any fallouts at
>> all.
> Indeed the correct behaviour is to put no-dev library out of dev 
> package.  Maybe exceptions ...
> I have done a quick fix maybe there is a better and proper way to do 
> that. Because if i want force this kind of library in dev, i can't.
> Maybe only remove previous instruction.
> For example if i have in package.conf:
> !${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
> and in my package.oe
> ${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
> It will not work with this fix.
> But it will introduce an order in the instructions...
Oups i forget something
If we can allow ordering we can change the function in order to allow 
the previous example.
>> So let's take it in now, but keep an eye out for such problems.
>> /Esben
>>> ---
>>>   conf/package.conf |    4 ++++
>>>   1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/conf/package.conf b/conf/package.conf
>>> index d4e53d7..b513086 100644
>>> --- a/conf/package.conf
>>> +++ b/conf/package.conf
>>> @@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ HOMEPAGE    = "unknown"
>>>     SOLIBS                = ".so.*"
>>>   SOLIBS:HOST_OS_mingw32        = "-*.dll"
>>> +SOLIBS:HOST_OS_darwin           = ".*.dylib"
>>>   SOLIBSDEV            = ".so"
>>>   SOLIBSDEV:HOST_OS_mingw32    = ".dll.a"
>>> +SOLIBSDEV:HOST_OS_darwin        = ".dylib"
>>>     PACKAGES    = "${PN}-dbg ${PN}-doc ${PN}-dev ${PN}-locale ${PN}"
>>>   @@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ ${base_libdir}/*.a
>>>   ${base_libdir}/*.la
>>>   ${base_libdir}/*.o
>>>   ${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV}
>>> +!${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
>>>   ${datadir}/aclocal
>>>   ${datadir}/pkgconfig
>>>   ${includedir}
>>> @@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ ${libdir}/*.la
>>>   ${libdir}/*.o
>>>   ${libdir}/*/include
>>>   ${sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV}
>>> +!${sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
>>>   ${libdir}/pkgconfig
>>>   """
Esben Haabendal Oct. 22, 2012, 9:48 p.m. UTC | #3
Diorcet Yann <diorcet.yann@gmail.com> writes:

> Le 22/10/2012 20:37, Diorcet Yann a écrit :
>> Le 22/10/2012 20:27, Esben Haabendal a écrit :
>>> Yann Diorcet <diorcet.yann@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> From: Yann Diorcet <yann.diorcet@belledonne-communications.com>
>>>> Darwin uses dylib extension.
>>>> Use negative instruction for removing SOLIBS from dev package (on
>>>> darwin)
>>> Although not 100.0% backwards compatible, I tend to accept this into
>>> OE-lite/core 3.
>>> Any recipes with non-standard library filenaming or packaging could have
>>> added files to FILES_${PN}-dev that matches the new '!' globs, and will
>>> suddenly have these files not included in the -dev package as without
>>> this change.
>>> Looking through OE-lite/base, I haven't found any recipes that looks
>>> like this, and I believe it is likely that we won't see any fallouts at
>>> all.
>> Indeed the correct behaviour is to put no-dev library out of dev package.
>> Maybe exceptions ...
>> I have done a quick fix maybe there is a better and proper way to do
>> that. Because if i want force this kind of library in dev, i can't.
>> Maybe only remove previous instruction.
>> For example if i have in package.conf:
>> !${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
>> and in my package.oe
>> ${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
>> It will not work with this fix.
>> But it will introduce an order in the instructions...
> Oups i forget something
> If we can allow ordering we can change the function in order to allow the
> previous example.

Do you mean to change the '!' (exclude) rules to only remove from preceding
matching include rules?  That might work better.

Yann Diorcet Oct. 22, 2012, 11:09 p.m. UTC | #4
Le 22/10/2012 23:48, Esben Haabendal a écrit :
> Diorcet Yann <diorcet.yann@gmail.com> writes:
>> Le 22/10/2012 20:37, Diorcet Yann a écrit :
>>> Le 22/10/2012 20:27, Esben Haabendal a écrit :
>>>> Yann Diorcet <diorcet.yann@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> From: Yann Diorcet <yann.diorcet@belledonne-communications.com>
>>>>> Darwin uses dylib extension.
>>>>> Use negative instruction for removing SOLIBS from dev package (on
>>>>> darwin)
>>>> Although not 100.0% backwards compatible, I tend to accept this into
>>>> OE-lite/core 3.
>>>> Any recipes with non-standard library filenaming or packaging could have
>>>> added files to FILES_${PN}-dev that matches the new '!' globs, and will
>>>> suddenly have these files not included in the -dev package as without
>>>> this change.
>>>> Looking through OE-lite/base, I haven't found any recipes that looks
>>>> like this, and I believe it is likely that we won't see any fallouts at
>>>> all.
>>> Indeed the correct behaviour is to put no-dev library out of dev package.
>>> Maybe exceptions ...
>>> I have done a quick fix maybe there is a better and proper way to do
>>> that. Because if i want force this kind of library in dev, i can't.
>>> Maybe only remove previous instruction.
>>> For example if i have in package.conf:
>>> !${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
>>> and in my package.oe
>>> ${base_sharedlibdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}
>>> It will not work with this fix.
>>> But it will introduce an order in the instructions...
>> Oups i forget something
>> If we can allow ordering we can change the function in order to allow the
>> previous example.
> Do you mean to change the '!' (exclude) rules to only remove from preceding
> matching include rules?  That might work better.
Yes. I was thinking about that. I try to do so. But i shamefully use a 
simpliest solution.
PS: just pay attention that files found for the jokers are put before 
next rules

The old behaviour produces the following process:

> /Esben
diff mbox


diff --git a/conf/package.conf b/conf/package.conf
index d4e53d7..b513086 100644
--- a/conf/package.conf
+++ b/conf/package.conf
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@  HOMEPAGE	= "unknown"
 SOLIBS				= ".so.*"
 SOLIBS:HOST_OS_mingw32		= "-*.dll"
+SOLIBS:HOST_OS_darwin           = ".*.dylib"
 SOLIBSDEV			= ".so"
 SOLIBSDEV:HOST_OS_mingw32	= ".dll.a"
+SOLIBSDEV:HOST_OS_darwin        = ".dylib"
 PACKAGES	= "${PN}-dbg ${PN}-doc ${PN}-dev ${PN}-locale ${PN}"
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@  ${base_libdir}/*.a
@@ -51,6 +54,7 @@  ${libdir}/*.la