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[nft,v5,6/8] evaluate: allow binop expressions with variable right-hand operands

Message ID 20230528140058.1218669-7-jeremy@azazel.net
State Changes Requested
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Series Bitwise boolean operations with variable RHS operands | expand

Commit Message

Jeremy Sowden May 28, 2023, 2 p.m. UTC
Hitherto, the kernel has required constant values for the `xor` and
`mask` attributes of boolean bitwise expressions.  This has meant that
the right-hand operand of a boolean binop must be constant.  Now the
kernel has support for AND, OR and XOR operations with right-hand
operands passed via registers, we can relax this restriction.  Allow
non-constant right-hand operands if the left-hand operand is not
constant, e.g.:

  ct mark & 0xffff0000 | meta mark & 0xffff

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Sowden <jeremy@azazel.net>
 src/evaluate.c | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/src/evaluate.c b/src/evaluate.c
index 136b4539e828..c98bd578f38b 100644
--- a/src/evaluate.c
+++ b/src/evaluate.c
@@ -1369,16 +1369,18 @@  static int expr_evaluate_bitwise(struct eval_ctx *ctx, struct expr **expr)
 	op->byteorder = byteorder;
 	op->len	      = max_len;
-	if (expr_is_constant(left))
+	if (expr_is_constant(left) && expr_is_constant(op->right))
 		return constant_binop_simplify(ctx, expr);
 	return 0;
- * Binop expression: both sides must be of integer base type. The left
- * hand side may be either constant or non-constant; in case its constant
- * it must be a singleton. The ride hand side must always be a constant
- * singleton.
+ * Binop expression: both sides must be of integer base type. The left-hand side
+ * may be either constant or non-constant; if it is constant, it must be a
+ * singleton.  For bitwise operations, the right-hand side must be constant if
+ * the left-hand side is constant; the right-hand side may be constant or
+ * non-constant, if the left-hand side is non-constant; for shifts, the
+ * right-hand side must be constant; if it is constant, it must be a singleton.
 static int expr_evaluate_binop(struct eval_ctx *ctx, struct expr **expr)
@@ -1419,27 +1421,36 @@  static int expr_evaluate_binop(struct eval_ctx *ctx, struct expr **expr)
 					 "for %s expressions",
 					 sym, expr_name(left));
-	if (!expr_is_constant(right))
-		return expr_binary_error(ctx->msgs, right, op,
-					 "Right hand side of binary operation "
-					 "(%s) must be constant", sym);
-	if (!expr_is_singleton(right))
-		return expr_binary_error(ctx->msgs, left, op,
-					 "Binary operation (%s) is undefined "
-					 "for %s expressions",
-					 sym, expr_name(right));
 	/* The grammar guarantees this */
 	assert(datatype_equal(expr_basetype(left), expr_basetype(right)));
 	switch (op->op) {
 	case OP_LSHIFT:
 	case OP_RSHIFT:
+		if (!expr_is_constant(right))
+			return expr_binary_error(ctx->msgs, right, op,
+						 "Right hand side of binary operation "
+						 "(%s) must be constant", sym);
+		if (!expr_is_singleton(right))
+			return expr_binary_error(ctx->msgs, left, op,
+						 "Binary operation (%s) is undefined "
+						 "for %s expressions",
+						 sym, expr_name(right));
 		return expr_evaluate_shift(ctx, expr);
 	case OP_AND:
 	case OP_XOR:
 	case OP_OR:
+		if (expr_is_constant(left) && !expr_is_constant(right))
+			return expr_binary_error(ctx->msgs, right, op,
+						 "Right hand side of binary operation "
+						 "(%s) must be constant", sym);
+		if (expr_is_constant(right) && !expr_is_singleton(right))
+			return expr_binary_error(ctx->msgs, left, op,
+						 "Binary operation (%s) is undefined "
+						 "for %s expressions",
+						 sym, expr_name(right));
 		return expr_evaluate_bitwise(ctx, expr);
 		BUG("invalid binary operation %u\n", op->op);