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[v7,0/4] Introduce Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) support

Message ID cover.1715939295.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
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Series Introduce Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) support | expand


Lorenzo Bianconi May 17, 2024, 9:50 a.m. UTC
Introduce Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) support for UNII-5 and UNII-7
6GHz bands.
Update Transmit Power Envelope (TPE) IE according to the reply from AFC
coordinator on UNII-5 or UNII-7 6GHz bands.
AFCD and AFC hostapd client are tested with AFC DUT Test Harness [0].

Changes since v6:
- do not run acs in hostapd_afc_handle_request() if the configured channel is
  available in the AFC list from the coordinator
- fix possible crash in hostap_afc_disable_channels()
- add more debug log in hostapd_afc_parse_reply()
Changes since v5:
-rebased on top of hostapd main branch
Changes since v4:
- fix curl header parsing
- increase afc buffer size
- fix afc-reply.txt
- add some more error logging
- add sanity check for some afc config file data
Changes since v3:
- fix compilation errors when IEEE80211_AX is not enabled
- fix a leftover crash stopping the interface
- make sure rx buffer is null-terminated
Changes since v2:
- multiple fixes testing with AFC DUT Test Harness
Changes since v1:
- use unix socket instead of a tcp one
Changes since rfc:
- move curl connection to a dedicated afc daemon

Lorenzo Bianconi (4):
  hostapd: afcd: add AFC daemon support
  hostapd: export hostapd_is_usable_chans utility routine
  hostapd: ap: add AFC client support
  hostapd: update TPE IE according to AFC

 afc/.gitignore        |    1 +
 afc/Makefile          |   31 ++
 afc/afc-reply.txt     |  219 +++++++++
 afc/afcd.c            |  305 ++++++++++++
 hostapd/Makefile      |    8 +
 hostapd/config_file.c |  261 ++++++++++
 hostapd/defconfig     |    3 +
 hostapd/hostapd.conf  |   42 ++
 src/ap/afc.c          | 1078 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/ap/ap_config.c    |   16 +
 src/ap/ap_config.h    |   47 ++
 src/ap/hostapd.c      |   16 +
 src/ap/hostapd.h      |   54 +++
 src/ap/hw_features.c  |    4 +-
 src/ap/hw_features.h  |    6 +
 src/ap/ieee802_11.c   |   47 +-
 16 files changed, 2119 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 afc/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 afc/Makefile
 create mode 100644 afc/afc-reply.txt
 create mode 100644 afc/afcd.c
 create mode 100644 src/ap/afc.c


William Ross-Ashikyan July 24, 2024, 9:32 p.m. UTC | #1
Hello Lorenzo,

>Introduce Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) support for UNII-5 and UNII-7 6GHz bands.
>Update Transmit Power Envelope (TPE) IE according to the reply from AFC coordinator on UNII-5 or UNII-7 6GHz bands.
>AFCD and AFC hostapd client are tested with AFC DUT Test Harness [0].

Is there any update on the status of bringing your AFC changes into mainline? We have also tested your v7 patches here and they look ready to go. Is there anything still outstanding?

William Ross-Ashikyan