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Re: ST 95XXX chips

Message ID CABSK2p=fnR8wv56-q1GO831Jkddxx9wTKWHcKLv792WHQGKywQ@mail.gmail.com
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Series Re: ST 95XXX chips | expand

Commit Message

Николай Николаев Dec. 22, 2019, 11:39 a.m. UTC
fix st95 rdid logic
[image: Screenshot_20191222_143225.png]
[image: Screenshot_20191222_143349.png]

сб, 21 дек. 2019 г. в 23:26, Николай Николаев <evrinoma@gmail.com>:

> I've done the patch.
> please find the attachment with patch and report
> вс, 1 дек. 2019 г. в 23:30, David Hendricks <david.hendricks@gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> Thanks for the PR (https://github.com/flashrom/flashrom/pull/84). I
>> actually started to review this a long time ago, but apparently never
>> finished :-/ My bad.
>> The patch has a few merge conflicts, lots of dead code, and makes
>> changes that appear unrelated to ST 95XXX support. Please resolve the
>> merge conflicts and clean up the patch, and send another PR. Or better
>> yet, send directly to review.coreboot.org which is where upstream
>> review happens:
>> https://www.flashrom.org/Development_Guidelines#Sending_a_patch
>> On Sun, Dec 1, 2019 at 12:18 PM Николай Николаев <evrinoma@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello
>> > My pull request has already been created that had occurred several
>> months previously. I added support for ST 95XXX chips . The following
>> chipsets have been successfully tested for read, erase and write
>> operations: ST [ 95080, 95160, 95320, 95640, 95128, 95256 ]. I would like
>> to discuss a new features.
>> > Maybe someone in the community will spent a bit of time and review my
>> pull request. Don't worry about the conflicting files. The part of the code
>> has already been merged into effect.
>> >
>> > I'm open-minded and ready.
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > flashrom mailing list -- flashrom@flashrom.org
>> > To unsubscribe send an email to flashrom-leave@flashrom.org
> --
> With best regards Nikolay Nikolaev
> С Уважением Николаев Николай


Николай Николаев Dec. 22, 2019, 1:45 p.m. UTC | #1
On Sun, Dec 22, 2019, 2:39 PM Николай Николаев <evrinoma@gmail.com> wrote:

> fix st95 rdid logic
> [image: Screenshot_20191222_143225.png]
> [image: Screenshot_20191222_143349.png]
> сб, 21 дек. 2019 г. в 23:26, Николай Николаев <evrinoma@gmail.com>:
>> I've done the patch.
>> please find the attachment with patch and report
>> вс, 1 дек. 2019 г. в 23:30, David Hendricks <david.hendricks@gmail.com>:
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks for the PR (https://github.com/flashrom/flashrom/pull/84). I
>>> actually started to review this a long time ago, but apparently never
>>> finished :-/ My bad.
>>> The patch has a few merge conflicts, lots of dead code, and makes
>>> changes that appear unrelated to ST 95XXX support. Please resolve the
>>> merge conflicts and clean up the patch, and send another PR. Or better
>>> yet, send directly to review.coreboot.org which is where upstream
>>> review happens:
>>> https://www.flashrom.org/Development_Guidelines#Sending_a_patch
>>> On Sun, Dec 1, 2019 at 12:18 PM Николай Николаев <evrinoma@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hello
>>> > My pull request has already been created that had occurred several
>>> months previously. I added support for ST 95XXX chips . The following
>>> chipsets have been successfully tested for read, erase and write
>>> operations: ST [ 95080, 95160, 95320, 95640, 95128, 95256 ]. I would like
>>> to discuss a new features.
>>> > Maybe someone in the community will spent a bit of time and review my
>>> pull request. Don't worry about the conflicting files. The part of the code
>>> has already been merged into effect.
>>> >
>>> > I'm open-minded and ready.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > _______________________________________________
>>> > flashrom mailing list -- flashrom@flashrom.org
>>> > To unsubscribe send an email to flashrom-leave@flashrom.org
g.dudzik--- via flashrom April 16, 2020, 7:16 p.m. UTC | #2
I was looking for a lot of time of a method to read the dump from a 95320 chip installed on a Alfa Romeo radio in order to get the code, using the tools i had at home: Raspberry PI and a Pomona SOIC8 clip.

I have tried multiple random Python scripts written by different people but none of them have worked.

I did a bit of research and found this ,,unofficial" patch that seemed to support the 95XXX Chips, even if on the Flashrom.org page this is not listed.

Nikolay sent me all the informations i needed and i managed to both read and write my 95320 chip without any error or problem.

The wiring was done this way:

1 (CS) -> Pin 24 on Raspberry.
2 (SO/MISO) -> Pin 21
3, 7, 8 (3,3V + WP + HOLD) -> Pin 17 (i just used a breadboard here)
4 (GND) -> Pin 25
5 (SI/MOSI) -> Pin 19
6 (SCLK) -> Pin 23.

Commands used: 

read example command
./flashrom -cM95320 -f -V -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=5000 -r random.M95080.8K.bin

write example command
./flashrom -cM95320 -f -V -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=5000 -w random.M95M02.256K.bin

I really appreciate your work and you made me save some good money by avoiding buying a programmer that reads 95XXX chips and use it just a single time.

Have a nice day!
g.dudzik--- via flashrom May 2, 2020, 6:08 p.m. UTC | #3
Would be able to help with m95640.
diff mbox series


From dc67f47cffaa3ff7cf5dab837f4f5e2595355475 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nikolay Nikolaev <evrinoma@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2019 14:36:02 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] It's added support for ST95XXX chips . The following chipsets
 have been tested for read, erase and write operations: [ STM95080 STM95160
 STM95320 STM95640 STM95128 STM95256 STM95512 STM95M01 STM95M02 ]

The chipsets(except st95xxx with literal D) can't respond with RDID instruction and for this reason was added FEATURE_IDENTITY_MISSING feature. The feature works with "force" option and disable rdid checking during read operation.
Also It's emulates erase operation for chipsets which don't support it.

Known issue: It doesn't support chipset STM95040 because memory size lower then 1K and the chipset has special instruction set for read operation.

part 2 fix RDID ST95

Signed-off-by: Nikolay Nikolaev <evrinoma@gmail.com>
 spi.h   | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 spi25.c | 10 +++++++---
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spi.h b/spi.h
index 64a07e6..dee348e 100644
--- a/spi.h
+++ b/spi.h
@@ -30,27 +30,27 @@ 
 #define JEDEC_RDID_INSIZE	0x03
 /* Some ST M95X model  */
-#define ST_M95_RDID		        0x83
-#define ST_M95_RDID_OUTSIZE	    0x03
-#define ST_M95_RDID_INSIZE  	0x03
-#define ST_M95_RDLS		        0x83
-#define ST_M95_RDLS_OUTSIZE	    0x03
-#define ST_M95_RDLS_INSIZE  	0x01
-#define ST_M95_RDSR		        0x05
-#define ST_M95_RDSR_OUTSIZE	    0x01
-#define ST_M95_RDSR_INSIZE	    0x01
-#define ST_M95_READ		        0x03
-#define ST_M95_READ_OUTSIZE 	0x03
-#define ST_M95_READ_INSIZE  	0x03
-#define ST_M95_WREN 	        0x06
-#define ST_M95_WREN_OUTSIZE     0x01
-#define ST_M95_WREN_INSIZE      0x00
-#define ST_M95_WRITE	        0x02
-#define ST_M95_WRITE_OUTSIZE	0x06
-#define ST_M95_WRITE_INSIZE 	0x03
-#define ST_M95_WRID             0x82
-#define ST_M95_WRID_OUTSIZE 	0x06
-#define ST_M95_WRID_INSIZE  	0x00
+#define ST_M95_RDID		                        0x83
+/* #define ST_M95_RDID_OUTSIZE	                0x01*/
+#define ST_M95_RDID_INSIZE  	                0x04 /* 24 bit address*/
+#define ST_M95_RDLS		                        0x83
+#define ST_M95_RDLS_OUTSIZE	                    0x03
+#define ST_M95_RDLS_INSIZE  	                0x01
+#define ST_M95_RDSR		                        0x05
+#define ST_M95_RDSR_OUTSIZE	                    0x01
+#define ST_M95_RDSR_INSIZE	                    0x01
+#define ST_M95_READ		                        0x03
+#define ST_M95_READ_OUTSIZE 	                0x03
+#define ST_M95_READ_INSIZE  	                0x03
+#define ST_M95_WREN 	                        0x06
+#define ST_M95_WREN_OUTSIZE                     0x01
+#define ST_M95_WREN_INSIZE                      0x00
+#define ST_M95_WRITE	                        0x02
+#define ST_M95_WRITE_OUTSIZE	                0x06
+#define ST_M95_WRITE_INSIZE 	                0x03
+#define ST_M95_WRID                             0x82
+#define ST_M95_WRID_OUTSIZE 	                0x06
+#define ST_M95_WRID_INSIZE  	                0x00
 /* Some Atmel AT25F* models have bit 3 as don't care bit in commands */
 #define AT25F_RDID		0x15	/* 0x15 or 0x1d */
diff --git a/spi25.c b/spi25.c
index 3c0579a..61cf2e6 100644
--- a/spi25.c
+++ b/spi25.c
@@ -268,16 +268,20 @@  int probe_spi_st95(struct flashctx *flash)
     static const unsigned char cmd[JEDEC_RDID_OUTSIZE] = { JEDEC_RDID };
-    unsigned char readarr[JEDEC_RDID_INSIZE];
+    unsigned char readarr[ST_M95_RDID_INSIZE];
     uint32_t manufacture_id;
     uint32_t model_id;
-    spi_send_command(flash, sizeof(cmd), sizeof(readarr), cmd, readarr);
+    uint32_t rdid_outsize = ST_M95_RDID_INSIZE;
+    if (flash->chip->feature_bits & FEATURE_3_BYTE_ADDR_LEN)
+        rdid_outsize = JEDEC_RDID_INSIZE;
+    spi_send_command(flash, sizeof(cmd), rdid_outsize, cmd, readarr);
     manufacture_id = readarr[0];
     model_id = readarr[2];
-    msg_ginfo("RDID[%s: manID 0x%02x, modID 0x%02x, L 0x%02x, M 0x%02x, H 0x%02x]\n", __func__, flash->chip->manufacture_id,  flash->chip->model_id, readarr[0], readarr[1], readarr[2]);
+    msg_ginfo("RDID[%s: manID 0x%02x, modID 0x%02x, L 0x%02x, H 0x%02x]\n", __func__, flash->chip->manufacture_id,  flash->chip->model_id, manufacture_id, model_id);
     if (manufacture_id == flash->chip->manufacture_id && model_id == flash->chip->model_id)
         return 1;