@@ -25,22 +25,6 @@ HOST_RUST_DEPENDENCIES = \
-# Some vendor crates contain Cargo.toml.orig files. The associated
-# .cargo-checksum.json file will contain a checksum for Cargo.toml.orig but
-# support/scripts/apply-patches.sh will delete them. This will cause the build
-# to fail, as Cargo will not be able to find the file and verify the checksum.
-# So, remove all Cargo.toml.orig entries from the affected .cargo-checksum.json
-# files
- for file in $$(find $(@D) -name '*.orig'); do \
- crate=$$(dirname $${file}); \
- fn=$${crate}/.cargo-checksum.json; \
- sed -i -e 's/"Cargo.toml.orig":"[a-z0-9]\+",//g' $${fn}; \
- done
( \
echo '[build]'; \
When the rust package was added in Buildroot it was using the 1.23.0 release [1] where some vendored sources contained a Cargo.toml.orig file that caused issues with support/scripts/apply-patches.sh used by Buildroot package infrastructure. Since then, Buildroot is now using rust 1.74.1 (2024.02.x), 1.79.0 (2024.08.x) and 1.82.0 (master) where vendored sources no longer contains any Cargo.toml.orig file. So this post-extract hook is no longer needed. Moreover, since Rust 1.81.0 are present in src/tools/rustc-perf/collector/compile-benchmarks/<vendored pkg> where there is no .cargo-checksum.json file. Since then, the sed command fail and stop the build: sed: can't read [...]/host-rust-1.81.0/src/tools/rustc-perf/collector/compile-benchmarks/serde_derive-1.0.136/.cargo-checksum.json: No such file or directory Fixes: https://gitlab.com/buildroot.org/buildroot/-/jobs/8232367821 [1] b50522d838d8ddfef80bf8036e511319982da16e Signed-off-by: Romain Naour <romain.naour@smile.fr> --- Note: Rust package was updated three times with this issue (1.80.1, 1.81.0 and 1.82.0). --- package/rust/rust.mk | 16 ---------------- 1 file changed, 16 deletions(-)