@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ zinc_poly1305-y := poly1305/poly1305.o
zinc_poly1305-$(CONFIG_ZINC_ARCH_X86_64) += poly1305/poly1305-x86_64.o
zinc_poly1305-$(CONFIG_ZINC_ARCH_ARM) += poly1305/poly1305-arm.o
zinc_poly1305-$(CONFIG_ZINC_ARCH_ARM64) += poly1305/poly1305-arm64.o
-perlasm-targets += poly1305/poly1305-x86_64.S poly1305/poly1305-arm.S poly1305/poly1305-arm64.S
+zinc_poly1305-$(CONFIG_ZINC_ARCH_MIPS) += poly1305/poly1305-mips.o
+AFLAGS_poly1305-mips.o += -O2 # This is required to fill the branch delay slots
+zinc_poly1305-$(CONFIG_ZINC_ARCH_MIPS64) += poly1305/poly1305-mips64.o
+perlasm-targets += poly1305/poly1305-x86_64.S poly1305/poly1305-arm.S poly1305/poly1305-arm64.S poly1305/poly1305-mips64.S
obj-$(CONFIG_ZINC_POLY1305) += zinc_poly1305.o
quiet_cmd_perlasm = PERLASM $@
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+asmlinkage void poly1305_init_mips(void *ctx, const u8 key[16]);
+asmlinkage void poly1305_blocks_mips(void *ctx, const u8 *inp, const size_t len,
+ const u32 padbit);
+asmlinkage void poly1305_emit_mips(void *ctx, u8 mac[16], const u32 nonce[4]);
+static bool *const poly1305_nobs[] __initconst = { };
+static void __init poly1305_fpu_init(void)
+static inline bool poly1305_init_arch(void *ctx,
+ const u8 key[POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])
+ poly1305_init_mips(ctx, key);
+ return true;
+static inline bool poly1305_blocks_arch(void *ctx, const u8 *inp,
+ size_t len, const u32 padbit,
+ simd_context_t *simd_context)
+ poly1305_blocks_mips(ctx, inp, len, padbit);
+ return true;
+static inline bool poly1305_emit_arch(void *ctx, u8 mac[POLY1305_MAC_SIZE],
+ const u32 nonce[4],
+ simd_context_t *simd_context)
+ poly1305_emit_mips(ctx, mac, nonce);
+ return true;
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 René van Dorst <opensource@vdorst.com> All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+#define MSB 0
+#define LSB 3
+#define MSB 3
+#define LSB 0
+#define POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE 16
+#define H0 $t0
+#define H1 $t1
+#define H2 $t2
+#define H3 $t3
+#define H4 $t4
+#define R0 $t5
+#define R1 $t6
+#define R2 $t7
+#define R3 $t8
+#define O0 $s0
+#define O1 $s4
+#define O2 $v1
+#define O3 $t9
+#define O4 $s5
+#define S1 $s1
+#define S2 $s2
+#define S3 $s3
+#define SC $at
+#define CA $v0
+/* Input arguments */
+#define poly $a0
+#define src $a1
+#define srclen $a2
+#define hibit $a3
+/* Location in the opaque buffer
+ * R[0..3], CA, H[0..4]
+ */
+#define PTR_POLY1305_R(n) ( 0 + (n*4)) ## ($a0)
+#define PTR_POLY1305_CA (16 ) ## ($a0)
+#define PTR_POLY1305_H(n) (20 + (n*4)) ## ($a0)
+#define POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE 16
+#define POLY1305_STACK_SIZE 32
+.set noat
+.align 4
+.globl poly1305_blocks_mips
+.ent poly1305_blocks_mips
+ .frame $sp, POLY1305_STACK_SIZE, $ra
+ /* srclen &= 0xFFFFFFF0 */
+ ins srclen, $zero, 0, 4
+ addiu $sp, -(POLY1305_STACK_SIZE)
+ /* check srclen >= 16 bytes */
+ beqz srclen, .Lpoly1305_blocks_mips_end
+ /* Calculate last round based on src address pointer.
+ * last round src ptr (srclen) = src + (srclen & 0xFFFFFFF0)
+ */
+ addu srclen, src
+ lw R0, PTR_POLY1305_R(0)
+ lw R1, PTR_POLY1305_R(1)
+ lw R2, PTR_POLY1305_R(2)
+ lw R3, PTR_POLY1305_R(3)
+ /* store the used save registers. */
+ sw $s0, 0($sp)
+ sw $s1, 4($sp)
+ sw $s2, 8($sp)
+ sw $s3, 12($sp)
+ sw $s4, 16($sp)
+ sw $s5, 20($sp)
+ /* load Hx and Carry */
+ lw CA, PTR_POLY1305_CA
+ lw H0, PTR_POLY1305_H(0)
+ lw H1, PTR_POLY1305_H(1)
+ lw H2, PTR_POLY1305_H(2)
+ lw H3, PTR_POLY1305_H(3)
+ lw H4, PTR_POLY1305_H(4)
+ /* Sx = Rx + (Rx >> 2) */
+ srl S1, R1, 2
+ srl S2, R2, 2
+ srl S3, R3, 2
+ addu S1, R1
+ addu S2, R2
+ addu S3, R3
+ addiu SC, $zero, 1
+ lwl O0, 0+MSB(src)
+ lwl O1, 4+MSB(src)
+ lwl O2, 8+MSB(src)
+ lwl O3,12+MSB(src)
+ lwr O0, 0+LSB(src)
+ lwr O1, 4+LSB(src)
+ lwr O2, 8+LSB(src)
+ lwr O3,12+LSB(src)
+ wsbh O0
+ wsbh O1
+ wsbh O2
+ wsbh O3
+ rotr O0, 16
+ rotr O1, 16
+ rotr O2, 16
+ rotr O3, 16
+ /* h0 = (u32)(d0 = (u64)h0 + inp[0] + c 'Carry_previous cycle'); */
+ addu H0, CA
+ sltu CA, H0, CA
+ addu O0, H0
+ sltu H0, O0, H0
+ addu CA, H0
+ /* h1 = (u32)(d1 = (u64)h1 + (d0 >> 32) + inp[4]); */
+ addu H1, CA
+ sltu CA, H1, CA
+ addu O1, H1
+ sltu H1, O1, H1
+ addu CA, H1
+ /* h2 = (u32)(d2 = (u64)h2 + (d1 >> 32) + inp[8]); */
+ addu H2, CA
+ sltu CA, H2, CA
+ addu O2, H2
+ sltu H2, O2, H2
+ addu CA, H2
+ /* h3 = (u32)(d3 = (u64)h3 + (d2 >> 32) + inp[12]); */
+ addu H3, CA
+ sltu CA, H3, CA
+ addu O3, H3
+ sltu H3, O3, H3
+ addu CA, H3
+ /* h4 += (u32)(d3 >> 32) + padbit; */
+ addu H4, hibit
+ addu O4, H4, CA
+ /* D0 */
+ multu O0, R0
+ maddu O1, S3
+ maddu O2, S2
+ maddu O3, S1
+ mfhi CA
+ mflo H0
+ /* D1 */
+ multu O0, R1
+ maddu O1, R0
+ maddu O2, S3
+ maddu O3, S2
+ maddu O4, S1
+ maddu CA, SC
+ mfhi CA
+ mflo H1
+ /* D2 */
+ multu O0, R2
+ maddu O1, R1
+ maddu O2, R0
+ maddu O3, S3
+ maddu O4, S2
+ maddu CA, SC
+ mfhi CA
+ mflo H2
+ /* D4 */
+ mul H4, O4, R0
+ /* D3 */
+ multu O0, R3
+ maddu O1, R2
+ maddu O2, R1
+ maddu O3, R0
+ maddu O4, S3
+ maddu CA, SC
+ mfhi CA
+ mflo H3
+ addiu src, POLY1305_BLOCK_SIZE
+ /* h4 += (u32)(d3 >> 32); */
+ addu O4, H4, CA
+ /* h4 &= 3 */
+ andi H4, O4, 3
+ /* c = (h4 >> 2) + (h4 & ~3U); */
+ srl CA, O4, 2
+ ins O4, $zero, 0, 2
+ addu CA, O4
+ /* able to do a 16 byte block. */
+ bne src, srclen, .Lpoly1305_loop
+ /* restore the used save registers. */
+ lw $s0, 0($sp)
+ lw $s1, 4($sp)
+ lw $s2, 8($sp)
+ lw $s3, 12($sp)
+ lw $s4, 16($sp)
+ lw $s5, 20($sp)
+ /* store Hx and Carry */
+ sw CA, PTR_POLY1305_CA
+ sw H0, PTR_POLY1305_H(0)
+ sw H1, PTR_POLY1305_H(1)
+ sw H2, PTR_POLY1305_H(2)
+ sw H3, PTR_POLY1305_H(3)
+ sw H4, PTR_POLY1305_H(4)
+ addiu $sp, POLY1305_STACK_SIZE
+ /* Jump Back */
+ jr $ra
+.end poly1305_blocks_mips
+.set at
+/* Input arguments CTX=$a0, MAC=$a1, NONCE=$a2 */
+#define MAC $a1
+#define NONCE $a2
+#define G0 $t5
+#define G1 $t6
+#define G2 $t7
+#define G3 $t8
+#define G4 $t9
+.set noat
+.align 4
+.globl poly1305_emit_mips
+.ent poly1305_emit_mips
+ /* load Hx and Carry */
+ lw CA, PTR_POLY1305_CA
+ lw H0, PTR_POLY1305_H(0)
+ lw H1, PTR_POLY1305_H(1)
+ lw H2, PTR_POLY1305_H(2)
+ lw H3, PTR_POLY1305_H(3)
+ lw H4, PTR_POLY1305_H(4)
+ /* Add left over carry */
+ addu H0, CA
+ sltu CA, H0, CA
+ addu H1, CA
+ sltu CA, H1, CA
+ addu H2, CA
+ sltu CA, H2, CA
+ addu H3, CA
+ sltu CA, H3, CA
+ addu H4, CA
+ /* compare to modulus by computing h + -p */
+ addiu G0, H0, 5
+ sltu CA, G0, H0
+ addu G1, H1, CA
+ sltu CA, G1, H1
+ addu G2, H2, CA
+ sltu CA, G2, H2
+ addu G3, H3, CA
+ sltu CA, G3, H3
+ addu G4, H4, CA
+ srl SC, G4, 2
+ /* if there was carry into 131st bit, h3:h0 = g3:g0 */
+ movn H0, G0, SC
+ movn H1, G1, SC
+ movn H2, G2, SC
+ movn H3, G3, SC
+ lwl G0, 0+MSB(NONCE)
+ lwl G1, 4+MSB(NONCE)
+ lwl G2, 8+MSB(NONCE)
+ lwl G3,12+MSB(NONCE)
+ lwr G0, 0+LSB(NONCE)
+ lwr G1, 4+LSB(NONCE)
+ lwr G2, 8+LSB(NONCE)
+ lwr G3,12+LSB(NONCE)
+ /* mac = (h + nonce) % (2^128) */
+ addu H0, G0
+ sltu CA, H0, G0
+ /* H1 */
+ addu H1, CA
+ sltu CA, H1, CA
+ addu H1, G1
+ sltu G1, H1, G1
+ addu CA, G1
+ /* H2 */
+ addu H2, CA
+ sltu CA, H2, CA
+ addu H2, G2
+ sltu G2, H2, G2
+ addu CA, G2
+ /* H3 */
+ addu H3, CA
+ addu H3, G3
+ wsbh H0
+ wsbh H1
+ wsbh H2
+ wsbh H3
+ rotr H0, 16
+ rotr H1, 16
+ rotr H2, 16
+ rotr H3, 16
+ /* store MAC */
+ swl H0, 0+MSB(MAC)
+ swl H1, 4+MSB(MAC)
+ swl H2, 8+MSB(MAC)
+ swl H3,12+MSB(MAC)
+ swr H0, 0+LSB(MAC)
+ swr H1, 4+LSB(MAC)
+ swr H2, 8+LSB(MAC)
+ swr H3,12+LSB(MAC)
+ jr $ra
+.end poly1305_emit_mips
+#define PR0 $t0
+#define PR1 $t1
+#define PR2 $t2
+#define PR3 $t3
+#define PT0 $t4
+/* Input arguments CTX=$a0, KEY=$a1 */
+.align 4
+.globl poly1305_init_mips
+.ent poly1305_init_mips
+ lwl PR0, 0+MSB($a1)
+ lwl PR1, 4+MSB($a1)
+ lwl PR2, 8+MSB($a1)
+ lwl PR3,12+MSB($a1)
+ lwr PR0, 0+LSB($a1)
+ lwr PR1, 4+LSB($a1)
+ lwr PR2, 8+LSB($a1)
+ lwr PR3,12+LSB($a1)
+ /* store Hx and Carry */
+ sw $zero, PTR_POLY1305_CA
+ sw $zero, PTR_POLY1305_H(0)
+ sw $zero, PTR_POLY1305_H(1)
+ sw $zero, PTR_POLY1305_H(2)
+ sw $zero, PTR_POLY1305_H(3)
+ sw $zero, PTR_POLY1305_H(4)
+ wsbh PR0
+ wsbh PR1
+ wsbh PR2
+ wsbh PR3
+ rotr PR0, 16
+ rotr PR1, 16
+ rotr PR2, 16
+ rotr PR3, 16
+ lui PT0, 0x0FFF
+ ori PT0, 0xFFFC
+ /* AND 0x0fffffff; */
+ ext PR0, PR0, 0, (32-4)
+ /* AND 0x0ffffffc; */
+ and PR1, PT0
+ and PR2, PT0
+ and PR3, PT0
+ /* store Rx */
+ sw PR0, PTR_POLY1305_R(0)
+ sw PR1, PTR_POLY1305_R(1)
+ sw PR2, PTR_POLY1305_R(2)
+ sw PR3, PTR_POLY1305_R(3)
+ /* Jump Back */
+ jr $ra
+.end poly1305_init_mips
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
+# This code is taken from the OpenSSL project but the author, Andy Polyakov,
+# has relicensed it under the licenses specified in the SPDX header above.
+# The original headers, including the original license headers, are
+# included below for completeness.
+# ====================================================================
+# Written by Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org> for the OpenSSL
+# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
+# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
+# details see http://www.openssl.org/~appro/cryptogams/.
+# ====================================================================
+# Poly1305 hash for MIPS64.
+# May 2016
+# Numbers are cycles per processed byte with poly1305_blocks alone.
+# IALU/gcc
+# R1x000 5.64/+120% (big-endian)
+# Octeon II 3.80/+280% (little-endian)
+# There is a number of MIPS ABI in use, O32 and N32/64 are most
+# widely used. Then there is a new contender: NUBI. It appears that if
+# one picks the latter, it's possible to arrange code in ABI neutral
+# manner. Therefore let's stick to NUBI register layout:
+# The return value is placed in $a0. Following coding rules facilitate
+# interoperability:
+# - never ever touch $tp, "thread pointer", former $gp [o32 can be
+# excluded from the rule, because it's specified volatile];
+# - copy return value to $t0, former $v0 [or to $a0 if you're adapting
+# old code];
+# - on O32 populate $a4-$a7 with 'lw $aN,4*N($sp)' if necessary;
+# For reference here is register layout for N32/64 MIPS ABIs:
+# ($zero,$at,$v0,$v1)=map("\$$_",(0..3));
+# ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7)=map("\$$_",(4..11));
+# ($t0,$t1,$t2,$t3,$t8,$t9)=map("\$$_",(12..15,24,25));
+# ($s0,$s1,$s2,$s3,$s4,$s5,$s6,$s7)=map("\$$_",(16..23));
+# ($gp,$sp,$fp,$ra)=map("\$$_",(28..31));
+# <appro@openssl.org>
+$flavour = shift || "64"; # supported flavours are o32,n32,64,nubi32,nubi64
+die "MIPS64 only" unless ($flavour =~ /64|n32/i);
+$v0 = ($flavour =~ /nubi/i) ? $a0 : $t0;
+$SAVED_REGS_MASK = ($flavour =~ /nubi/i) ? "0x0003f000" : "0x00030000";
+($ctx,$inp,$len,$padbit) = ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3);
+($in0,$in1,$tmp0,$tmp1,$tmp2,$tmp3,$tmp4) = ($a4,$a5,$a6,$a7,$at,$t0,$t1);
+#if (defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R3) || defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R5) || \\
+ defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R6)) \\
+ && !defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R2)
+# define _MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R2
+#if defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R6)
+# define dmultu(rs,rt)
+# define mflo(rd,rs,rt) dmulu rd,rs,rt
+# define mfhi(rd,rs,rt) dmuhu rd,rs,rt
+# define dmultu(rs,rt) dmultu rs,rt
+# define mflo(rd,rs,rt) mflo rd
+# define mfhi(rd,rs,rt) mfhi rd
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+# define poly1305_init poly1305_init_mips
+# define poly1305_blocks poly1305_blocks_mips
+# define poly1305_emit poly1305_emit_mips
+#if defined(__MIPSEB__) && !defined(MIPSEB)
+# define MIPSEB
+#ifdef MIPSEB
+# define MSB 0
+# define LSB 7
+# define MSB 7
+# define LSB 0
+.set noat
+.set noreorder
+.align 5
+.globl poly1305_init
+.ent poly1305_init
+ .frame $sp,0,$ra
+ .set reorder
+ sd $zero,0($ctx)
+ sd $zero,8($ctx)
+ sd $zero,16($ctx)
+ beqz $inp,.Lno_key
+#if defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R6)
+ ld $in0,0($inp)
+ ld $in1,8($inp)
+ ldl $in0,0+MSB($inp)
+ ldl $in1,8+MSB($inp)
+ ldr $in0,0+LSB($inp)
+ ldr $in1,8+LSB($inp)
+#ifdef MIPSEB
+# if defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R2)
+ dsbh $in0,$in0 # byte swap
+ dsbh $in1,$in1
+ dshd $in0,$in0
+ dshd $in1,$in1
+# else
+ ori $tmp0,$zero,0xFF
+ dsll $tmp2,$tmp0,32
+ or $tmp0,$tmp2 # 0x000000FF000000FF
+ and $tmp1,$in0,$tmp0 # byte swap
+ and $tmp3,$in1,$tmp0
+ dsrl $tmp2,$in0,24
+ dsrl $tmp4,$in1,24
+ dsll $tmp1,24
+ dsll $tmp3,24
+ and $tmp2,$tmp0
+ and $tmp4,$tmp0
+ dsll $tmp0,8 # 0x0000FF000000FF00
+ or $tmp1,$tmp2
+ or $tmp3,$tmp4
+ and $tmp2,$in0,$tmp0
+ and $tmp4,$in1,$tmp0
+ dsrl $in0,8
+ dsrl $in1,8
+ dsll $tmp2,8
+ dsll $tmp4,8
+ and $in0,$tmp0
+ and $in1,$tmp0
+ or $tmp1,$tmp2
+ or $tmp3,$tmp4
+ or $in0,$tmp1
+ or $in1,$tmp3
+ dsrl $tmp1,$in0,32
+ dsrl $tmp3,$in1,32
+ dsll $in0,32
+ dsll $in1,32
+ or $in0,$tmp1
+ or $in1,$tmp3
+# endif
+ li $tmp0,1
+ dsll $tmp0,32
+ daddiu $tmp0,-63
+ dsll $tmp0,28
+ daddiu $tmp0,-1 # 0ffffffc0fffffff
+ and $in0,$tmp0
+ daddiu $tmp0,-3 # 0ffffffc0ffffffc
+ and $in1,$tmp0
+ sd $in0,24($ctx)
+ dsrl $tmp0,$in1,2
+ sd $in1,32($ctx)
+ daddu $tmp0,$in1 # s1 = r1 + (r1 >> 2)
+ sd $tmp0,40($ctx)
+ li $v0,0 # return 0
+ jr $ra
+.end poly1305_init
+my ($h0,$h1,$h2,$r0,$r1,$s1,$d0,$d1,$d2) =
+ ($s0,$s1,$s2,$s3,$s4,$s5,$in0,$in1,$t2);
+.align 5
+.globl poly1305_blocks
+.ent poly1305_blocks
+ .set noreorder
+ dsrl $len,4 # number of complete blocks
+ bnez $len,poly1305_blocks_internal
+ nop
+ jr $ra
+ nop
+.end poly1305_blocks
+.align 5
+.ent poly1305_blocks_internal
+ .frame $sp,6*8,$ra
+ .mask $SAVED_REGS_MASK,-8
+ .set noreorder
+ dsubu $sp,6*8
+ sd $s5,40($sp)
+ sd $s4,32($sp)
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /nubi/i); # optimize non-nubi prologue
+ sd $s3,24($sp)
+ sd $s2,16($sp)
+ sd $s1,8($sp)
+ sd $s0,0($sp)
+ .set reorder
+ ld $h0,0($ctx) # load hash value
+ ld $h1,8($ctx)
+ ld $h2,16($ctx)
+ ld $r0,24($ctx) # load key
+ ld $r1,32($ctx)
+ ld $s1,40($ctx)
+#if defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R6)
+ ld $in0,0($inp) # load input
+ ld $in1,8($inp)
+ ldl $in0,0+MSB($inp) # load input
+ ldl $in1,8+MSB($inp)
+ ldr $in0,0+LSB($inp)
+ ldr $in1,8+LSB($inp)
+ daddiu $len,-1
+ daddiu $inp,16
+#ifdef MIPSEB
+# if defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R2)
+ dsbh $in0,$in0 # byte swap
+ dsbh $in1,$in1
+ dshd $in0,$in0
+ dshd $in1,$in1
+# else
+ ori $tmp0,$zero,0xFF
+ dsll $tmp2,$tmp0,32
+ or $tmp0,$tmp2 # 0x000000FF000000FF
+ and $tmp1,$in0,$tmp0 # byte swap
+ and $tmp3,$in1,$tmp0
+ dsrl $tmp2,$in0,24
+ dsrl $tmp4,$in1,24
+ dsll $tmp1,24
+ dsll $tmp3,24
+ and $tmp2,$tmp0
+ and $tmp4,$tmp0
+ dsll $tmp0,8 # 0x0000FF000000FF00
+ or $tmp1,$tmp2
+ or $tmp3,$tmp4
+ and $tmp2,$in0,$tmp0
+ and $tmp4,$in1,$tmp0
+ dsrl $in0,8
+ dsrl $in1,8
+ dsll $tmp2,8
+ dsll $tmp4,8
+ and $in0,$tmp0
+ and $in1,$tmp0
+ or $tmp1,$tmp2
+ or $tmp3,$tmp4
+ or $in0,$tmp1
+ or $in1,$tmp3
+ dsrl $tmp1,$in0,32
+ dsrl $tmp3,$in1,32
+ dsll $in0,32
+ dsll $in1,32
+ or $in0,$tmp1
+ or $in1,$tmp3
+# endif
+ daddu $h0,$in0 # accumulate input
+ daddu $h1,$in1
+ sltu $tmp0,$h0,$in0
+ sltu $tmp1,$h1,$in1
+ daddu $h1,$tmp0
+ dmultu ($r0,$h0) # h0*r0
+ daddu $h2,$padbit
+ sltu $tmp0,$h1,$tmp0
+ mflo ($d0,$r0,$h0)
+ mfhi ($d1,$r0,$h0)
+ dmultu ($s1,$h1) # h1*5*r1
+ daddu $tmp0,$tmp1
+ daddu $h2,$tmp0
+ mflo ($tmp0,$s1,$h1)
+ mfhi ($tmp1,$s1,$h1)
+ dmultu ($r1,$h0) # h0*r1
+ daddu $d0,$tmp0
+ daddu $d1,$tmp1
+ mflo ($tmp2,$r1,$h0)
+ mfhi ($d2,$r1,$h0)
+ sltu $tmp0,$d0,$tmp0
+ daddu $d1,$tmp0
+ dmultu ($r0,$h1) # h1*r0
+ daddu $d1,$tmp2
+ sltu $tmp2,$d1,$tmp2
+ mflo ($tmp0,$r0,$h1)
+ mfhi ($tmp1,$r0,$h1)
+ daddu $d2,$tmp2
+ dmultu ($s1,$h2) # h2*5*r1
+ daddu $d1,$tmp0
+ daddu $d2,$tmp1
+ mflo ($tmp2,$s1,$h2)
+ dmultu ($r0,$h2) # h2*r0
+ sltu $tmp0,$d1,$tmp0
+ daddu $d2,$tmp0
+ mflo ($tmp3,$r0,$h2)
+ daddu $d1,$tmp2
+ daddu $d2,$tmp3
+ sltu $tmp2,$d1,$tmp2
+ daddu $d2,$tmp2
+ li $tmp0,-4 # final reduction
+ and $tmp0,$d2
+ dsrl $tmp1,$d2,2
+ andi $h2,$d2,3
+ daddu $tmp0,$tmp1
+ daddu $h0,$d0,$tmp0
+ sltu $tmp0,$h0,$tmp0
+ daddu $h1,$d1,$tmp0
+ sltu $tmp0,$h1,$tmp0
+ daddu $h2,$h2,$tmp0
+ bnez $len,.Loop
+ sd $h0,0($ctx) # store hash value
+ sd $h1,8($ctx)
+ sd $h2,16($ctx)
+ .set noreorder
+ ld $s5,40($sp) # epilogue
+ ld $s4,32($sp)
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /nubi/i); # optimize non-nubi epilogue
+ ld $s3,24($sp)
+ ld $s2,16($sp)
+ ld $s1,8($sp)
+ ld $s0,0($sp)
+ jr $ra
+ daddu $sp,6*8
+.end poly1305_blocks_internal
+my ($ctx,$mac,$nonce) = ($a0,$a1,$a2);
+.align 5
+.globl poly1305_emit
+.ent poly1305_emit
+ .frame $sp,0,$ra
+ .set reorder
+ ld $tmp0,0($ctx)
+ ld $tmp1,8($ctx)
+ ld $tmp2,16($ctx)
+ daddiu $in0,$tmp0,5 # compare to modulus
+ sltiu $tmp3,$in0,5
+ daddu $in1,$tmp1,$tmp3
+ sltu $tmp3,$in1,$tmp3
+ daddu $tmp2,$tmp2,$tmp3
+ dsrl $tmp2,2 # see if it carried/borrowed
+ dsubu $tmp2,$zero,$tmp2
+ nor $tmp3,$zero,$tmp2
+ and $in0,$tmp2
+ and $tmp0,$tmp3
+ and $in1,$tmp2
+ and $tmp1,$tmp3
+ or $in0,$tmp0
+ or $in1,$tmp1
+ lwu $tmp0,0($nonce) # load nonce
+ lwu $tmp1,4($nonce)
+ lwu $tmp2,8($nonce)
+ lwu $tmp3,12($nonce)
+ dsll $tmp1,32
+ dsll $tmp3,32
+ or $tmp0,$tmp1
+ or $tmp2,$tmp3
+ daddu $in0,$tmp0 # accumulate nonce
+ daddu $in1,$tmp2
+ sltu $tmp0,$in0,$tmp0
+ daddu $in1,$tmp0
+ dsrl $tmp0,$in0,8 # write mac value
+ dsrl $tmp1,$in0,16
+ dsrl $tmp2,$in0,24
+ sb $in0,0($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp3,$in0,32
+ sb $tmp0,1($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp0,$in0,40
+ sb $tmp1,2($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp1,$in0,48
+ sb $tmp2,3($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp2,$in0,56
+ sb $tmp3,4($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp3,$in1,8
+ sb $tmp0,5($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp0,$in1,16
+ sb $tmp1,6($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp1,$in1,24
+ sb $tmp2,7($mac)
+ sb $in1,8($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp2,$in1,32
+ sb $tmp3,9($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp3,$in1,40
+ sb $tmp0,10($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp0,$in1,48
+ sb $tmp1,11($mac)
+ dsrl $tmp1,$in1,56
+ sb $tmp2,12($mac)
+ sb $tmp3,13($mac)
+ sb $tmp0,14($mac)
+ sb $tmp1,15($mac)
+ jr $ra
+.end poly1305_emit
+.align 2
+open SELF,$0;
+while(<SELF>) {
+ next if (/^#!/);
+ last if (!s/^#/\/\// and !/^$/);
+ print;
+close SELF;
+$output=pop and open STDOUT,">$output";
+print $code;
+close STDOUT;
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
#include "poly1305-x86_64-glue.c"
#elif defined(CONFIG_ZINC_ARCH_ARM) || defined(CONFIG_ZINC_ARCH_ARM64)
#include "poly1305-arm-glue.c"
+#elif defined(CONFIG_ZINC_ARCH_MIPS) || defined(CONFIG_ZINC_ARCH_MIPS64)
+#include "poly1305-mips-glue.c"
static inline bool poly1305_init_arch(void *ctx,
const u8 key[POLY1305_KEY_SIZE])