extern wostream wclog;
- ios_base::Init::Init()
+ bool init_once(bool* synced_with_stdio, _Atomic_word* refcount)
- if (__gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add_dispatch(&_S_refcount, 1) == 0)
- {
- // Standard streams default to synced with "C" operations.
- _S_synced_with_stdio = true;
+ // Standard streams default to synced with "C" operations.
+ *synced_with_stdio = true;
- new (&buf_cout_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<char>(stdout);
- new (&buf_cin_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<char>(stdin);
- new (&buf_cerr_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<char>(stderr);
+ new (&buf_cout_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<char>(stdout);
+ new (&buf_cin_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<char>(stdin);
+ new (&buf_cerr_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<char>(stderr);
- // The standard streams are constructed once only and never
- // destroyed.
- new (&cout) ostream(&buf_cout_sync);
- new (&cin) istream(&buf_cin_sync);
- new (&cerr) ostream(&buf_cerr_sync);
- new (&clog) ostream(&buf_cerr_sync);
- cin.tie(&cout);
- cerr.setf(ios_base::unitbuf);
- // 455. cerr::tie() and wcerr::tie() are overspecified.
- cerr.tie(&cout);
+ // The standard streams are constructed once only and never
+ // destroyed.
+ new (&cout) ostream(&buf_cout_sync);
+ new (&cin) istream(&buf_cin_sync);
+ new (&cerr) ostream(&buf_cerr_sync);
+ new (&clog) ostream(&buf_cerr_sync);
+ cin.tie(&cout);
+ cerr.setf(ios_base::unitbuf);
+ // 455. cerr::tie() and wcerr::tie() are overspecified.
+ cerr.tie(&cout);
- new (&buf_wcout_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<wchar_t>(stdout);
- new (&buf_wcin_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<wchar_t>(stdin);
- new (&buf_wcerr_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<wchar_t>(stderr);
+ new (&buf_wcout_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<wchar_t>(stdout);
+ new (&buf_wcin_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<wchar_t>(stdin);
+ new (&buf_wcerr_sync) stdio_sync_filebuf<wchar_t>(stderr);
- new (&wcout) wostream(&buf_wcout_sync);
- new (&wcin) wistream(&buf_wcin_sync);
- new (&wcerr) wostream(&buf_wcerr_sync);
- new (&wclog) wostream(&buf_wcerr_sync);
- wcin.tie(&wcout);
- wcerr.setf(ios_base::unitbuf);
- wcerr.tie(&wcout);
+ new (&wcout) wostream(&buf_wcout_sync);
+ new (&wcin) wistream(&buf_wcin_sync);
+ new (&wcerr) wostream(&buf_wcerr_sync);
+ new (&wclog) wostream(&buf_wcerr_sync);
+ wcin.tie(&wcout);
+ wcerr.setf(ios_base::unitbuf);
+ wcerr.tie(&wcout);
- // NB: Have to set refcount above one, so that standard
- // streams are not re-initialized with uses of ios_base::Init
- // besides <iostream> static object, ie just using <ios> with
- // ios_base::Init objects.
- __gnu_cxx::__atomic_add_dispatch(&_S_refcount, 1);
- }
+ *refcount = 1;
+ return true;
+ }
+} // namespace
+ ios_base::Init::Init()
+ {
+#if defined(__GTHREADS) && !defined(__cpp_threadsafe_static_init)
+# error "Initialization of global iostreams requires thread-safe static init"
+ [[__maybe_unused__]]
+ static const bool init = init_once(&_S_synced_with_stdio, &_S_refcount);
+ // NB: Have to set refcount above one, so that standard
+ // streams are not re-initialized with uses of ios_base::Init
+ // besides <iostream> static object, ie just using <ios> with
+ // ios_base::Init objects.
+ __gnu_cxx::__atomic_add_dispatch(&_S_refcount, 1);