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[Ada] Spurious error in function call with incomplete type

Message ID 20170427095710.GA48337@adacore.com
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Commit Message

Arnaud Charlet April 27, 2017, 9:57 a.m. UTC
This patch removes a spurious error from a function call when the return type
of the function is an incomplete type. This can be the case if the type is a
generic formal, or a limited view. It can also happen when the function
declaration appears before the full view of the type (which is legal in
Ada 2012) and the call appears in a different unit, in which case the
imcomplete view  must be replaced with the full view to prevent subsequent
type errors.

The following must compile quietly:

   gcc -c use_case.adb

with Itest; use Itest;
procedure Use_Case is
   Ref_Date : Ref_I_Logical_Date;
   Date : I_Logical_Date'Class renames Ro (Ref_Date);
   Ref_Ref : Ref_I_Logical_Time_Reference := Date.Reference;
   Ref : I_Logical_Time_Reference'Class renames Ro (Ref_Ref);
   Ref_Zero : Ref_I_Logical_Date := Ref.Zero;
end Use_Case;
with Rc;
package Itest is

   type Ref_I_Logical_Time_Factory;
   type Ref_I_Logical_Time_Reference;
   type Ref_I_Logical_Delay;
   type Ref_I_Logical_Date;

   type I_Logical_Time_Factory is limited interface;

   function Unit
     (This : I_Logical_Time_Factory)
      return Long_Float is abstract;
   function Quanta_Per_Unit
     (This : I_Logical_Time_Factory)
      return Long_Long_Integer is abstract;
   function New_Time_Reference
     (This : I_Logical_Time_Factory;
      Description : String;
      Year : Integer;
      Month : Integer;
      Day : Integer;
      Seconds : Long_Float)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Time_Reference is abstract;
   function New_Logical_Delay
     (This : I_Logical_Time_Factory;
      Seconds : Long_Float)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Delay is abstract;
   function New_Logical_Delay
     (This : I_Logical_Time_Factory;
      Quanta : Long_Long_Integer)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Delay is abstract;

   package Time_Factory_Rc is new Rc
     (Api => I_Logical_Time_Factory);

   type Ref_I_Logical_Time_Factory is record
      Ref : Time_Factory_Rc.Ref;
   end record;

   function Ro (Ref : Ref_I_Logical_Time_Factory)
       return I_Logical_Time_Factory'Class
   is (Time_Factory_Rc.Get (Ref.Ref)) with Inline;
   function Rw (Ref : Ref_I_Logical_Time_Factory)
       return not null access I_Logical_Time_Factory'Class
   is (Time_Factory_Rc.Get (Ref.Ref)) with Inline;
   function Get_Ref (This : not null access I_Logical_Time_Factory'Class)
       return Ref_I_Logical_Time_Factory
   is ((Ref => Time_Factory_Rc.Get_Ref (This))) with Inline;

   type I_Logical_Time_Reference is limited interface;

   function To_String
     (This : I_Logical_Time_Reference)
      return String is abstract;
   function Factory
     (This : I_Logical_Time_Reference)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Time_Factory is abstract;
   function Zero
     (This : I_Logical_Time_Reference)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Date is abstract;
   function Quanta_To_Date
     (This : I_Logical_Time_Reference;
      Quanta : Long_Long_Integer)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Date is abstract;

   package Time_Reference_Rc is new Rc
     (Api => I_Logical_Time_Reference);

   type Ref_I_Logical_Time_Reference is record
      Ref : Time_Reference_Rc.Ref := Time_Reference_Rc.Null_Ref;
   end record;

   function Ro (Ref : Ref_I_Logical_Time_Reference)
       return I_Logical_Time_Reference'Class
   is (Time_Reference_Rc.Get (Ref.Ref)) with Inline;
   function Rw (Ref : Ref_I_Logical_Time_Reference)
       return not null access I_Logical_Time_Reference'Class
   is (Time_Reference_Rc.Get (Ref.Ref)) with Inline;
   function Get_Ref (This : not null access I_Logical_Time_Reference'Class)
       return Ref_I_Logical_Time_Reference
   is ((Ref => Time_Reference_Rc.Get_Ref (This))) with Inline;

   type I_Logical_Delay is limited interface;

   -- IComparable
   function Compare_To
     (This : I_Logical_Delay;
      To : Ref_I_Logical_Delay)
      return Integer is abstract;

   -- I_Logical_Delay
   function To_String
     (This : I_Logical_Delay)
      return String is abstract;
   function Seconds
     (This : I_Logical_Delay)
      return Long_Float is abstract;
   function Quanta
     (This : I_Logical_Delay)
      return Long_Long_Integer is abstract;
   function Factory
     (This : I_Logical_Delay)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Time_Factory is abstract;

   package Logical_Delay_Rc is new Rc
     (Api => I_Logical_Delay);

   type Ref_I_Logical_Delay is record
      Ref : Logical_Delay_Rc.Ref := Logical_Delay_Rc.Null_Ref;
   end record;

   function Ro (Ref : Ref_I_Logical_Delay) return I_Logical_Delay'Class
   is (Logical_Delay_Rc.Get (Ref.Ref)) with Inline;
   function Rw (Ref : Ref_I_Logical_Delay)
       return not null access I_Logical_Delay'Class
   is (Logical_Delay_Rc.Get (Ref.Ref)) with Inline;
   function Get_Ref (This : not null access I_Logical_Delay'Class)
       return Ref_I_Logical_Delay
   is ((Ref => Logical_Delay_Rc.Get_Ref (This))) with Inline;

   type I_Logical_Date is limited interface;

   -- IComparable
   function Compare_To
     (This : I_Logical_Date;
      To : Ref_I_Logical_Date)
      return Integer is abstract;

   -- I_Logical_Date
   function To_String
     (This : I_Logical_Date)
      return String is abstract;
   function Reference
     (This : I_Logical_Date)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Time_Reference is abstract;
   function Delay_From
     (This : I_Logical_Date;
      From : Ref_I_Logical_Date)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Delay is abstract;
   function Add
     (This : I_Logical_Date;
      Increment : Ref_I_Logical_Delay)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Date is abstract;
   function Year
     (This : I_Logical_Date)
      return Integer is abstract;
   function Month
     (This : I_Logical_Date)
      return Integer is abstract;
   function Day
     (This : I_Logical_Date)
      return Integer is abstract;
   function Seconds
     (This : I_Logical_Date)
      return Long_Float is abstract;
   function Quanta_From_Zero
     (This : I_Logical_Date)
      return Long_Long_Integer is abstract;

   package Logical_Date_Rc is new Rc
     (Api => I_Logical_Date);

   type Ref_I_Logical_Date is record
      Ref : Logical_Date_Rc.Ref := Logical_Date_Rc.Null_Ref;
   end record;

   function Ro (Ref : Ref_I_Logical_Date) return I_Logical_Date'Class
   is (Logical_Date_Rc.Get (Ref.Ref)) with Inline;
   function Rw (Ref : Ref_I_Logical_Date)
       return not null access I_Logical_Date'Class
   is (Logical_Date_Rc.Get (Ref.Ref)) with Inline;
   function Get_Ref (This : not null access I_Logical_Date'Class)
       return Ref_I_Logical_Date
   is ((Ref => Logical_Date_Rc.Get_Ref (This))) with Inline;

   type I_Dateable is limited interface;

   function Local_Date
     (This : I_Dateable)
      return Ref_I_Logical_Date is abstract;

end Itest;
with Ada.Finalization;
with Interfaces;


   type Api is limited interface;

package Rc is

   type Abstract_Impl is abstract limited new Api with private;
   procedure Cleanup (This : in out Abstract_Impl) is abstract;

   type Ref is private;
   overriding function "=" (L, R : Ref) return Boolean;
   function Get (R : Ref) return Api'Class
     with Inline;
   function Get (R : Ref) return not null access Api'Class
     with Inline;
   function Get_Ref (Impl : not null access Api'Class) return Ref
     with Pre => (Impl.all in Abstract_Impl'Class);
   function Get_Ref (Impl : Api'Class) return Ref
     with Pre => (Impl in Abstract_Impl'Class);
   procedure Unref (R : in out Ref);

   type Weak_Ref is private;
   function Get (W : Weak_Ref) return access Api'Class;
   pragma Inline (Get);

   Null_Ref : constant Ref;
   Null_Weak_Ref : constant Weak_Ref;

   function Get_Weak_Ref (Impl : not null access Api'Class) return Weak_Ref
     with Pre => (Impl.all in Abstract_Impl'Class);


   type I32_Access is access Interfaces.Integer_32;
   type Abstract_Impl_Access is access all Abstract_Impl'Class;
   type Abstract_Impl_Access_Access is access Abstract_Impl_Access;
   type Weak_Ref is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with
         Count : I32_Access := null;
         Object : Abstract_Impl_Access_Access := null;
      end record;
   overriding procedure Initialize (X : in out Weak_Ref);
   overriding procedure Adjust (X : in out Weak_Ref);
   overriding procedure Finalize (X : in out Weak_Ref);

   type Ref is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with
         Impl_Access : Abstract_Impl_Access := null;
      end record;
   overriding procedure Initialize (X : in out Ref) is null;
   overriding procedure Adjust (X : in out Ref);
   overriding procedure Finalize (X : in out Ref);
   overriding function "=" (L, R : Ref) return Boolean
   is (L.Impl_Access = R.Impl_Access);
   Null_Ref : constant Ref :=
     (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Impl_Access => null);
   Null_Weak_Ref : constant Weak_Ref :=
     (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null, null);

   type Abstract_Impl is abstract limited new Api with
         Count : aliased Interfaces.Integer_32 := 0;
         Wr : Weak_Ref := Null_Weak_Ref;
      end record;

end Rc;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Alloc_Counts_Pkg;
with Ada.Tags;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Exceptions;

package body Rc is

   function Atomic_Add
     (Ptr : access Interfaces.Integer_32;
      Inc : Interfaces.Integer_32) return Interfaces.Integer_32
      function Intrinsic_Sync_Add_And_Fetch
        (Ptr : access Interfaces.Integer_32;
         Inc : Interfaces.Integer_32)
         return Interfaces.Integer_32;
      pragma Import
        (Intrinsic, Intrinsic_Sync_Add_And_Fetch, "__sync_add_and_fetch_4");
      return Intrinsic_Sync_Add_And_Fetch (Ptr, Inc);
   end Atomic_Add;

   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
     (Interfaces.Integer_32, I32_Access);

   -- Get --

   function Get (R : Ref)
      return Api'Class
      return R.Impl_Access.all;
   end Get;

   function Get (R : Ref)
      return not null access Api'Class
      return R.Impl_Access;
   end Get;

   -- Get_Ref --

   procedure Set (X : in out Ref; Impl : access Abstract_Impl'Class) is
         Wr : Weak_Ref;
         X.Impl_Access := Abstract_Impl_Access (Impl);
         if Impl.all.Wr = Null_Weak_Ref then
            Impl.all.Wr.Object := new Abstract_Impl_Access;
            Impl.all.Wr.Object.all := Abstract_Impl_Access (Impl);
            Alloc_Counts_Pkg.Increment (Impl.all'Tag);
         end if;
   end Set;

   function Get_Ref (Impl : not null access Api'Class) return Ref
      Res : Ref := Null_Ref;
      Set (Res, Abstract_Impl_Access (Impl));
      return Res;
   end Get_Ref;

   function Get_Ref (Impl : Api'Class) return Ref
      L_Impl : Abstract_Impl'Class renames Abstract_Impl'Class (Impl);
      Res : Ref := Null_Ref;
      Res.Impl_Access := L_Impl.Wr.Object.all;
      return Res;
   end Get_Ref;

   -- Unref --

   procedure Unref (R : in out Ref)
   end Unref;

   -- Get --

   function Get
     (W : Weak_Ref)
      return access Api'Class
      if W.Object = null then
         return null;
         return W.Object.all;
      end if;
   end Get;

   -- Weak_Ref finalization stuff --

   overriding procedure Initialize (X : in out Weak_Ref) is
      X.Count := new Interfaces.Integer_32'(1);
      X.Object := new Abstract_Impl_Access'(null);
   end Initialize;

   overriding procedure Adjust (X : in out Weak_Ref) is
      Dummy : Interfaces.Integer_32;
      if X.Count /= null then
         Dummy := Atomic_Add (X.Count, 1);
      end if;
   end Adjust;

   overriding procedure Finalize (X : in out Weak_Ref) is
      Rc : I32_Access := X.Count;
      X.Count := null;
      if Rc /= null then
            use type Interfaces.Integer_32;
            Newrc : Interfaces.Integer_32 := Atomic_Add (Rc, -1);
            procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
              (Abstract_Impl_Access, Abstract_Impl_Access_Access);
            if Newrc = 0 then
               Free (X.Object);
               Free (Rc);
            end if;
      end if;
   end Finalize;

   -- Ref finalization stuff --

   overriding procedure Adjust (X : in out Ref) is
      Dummy : Interfaces.Integer_32;
      if X.Impl_Access /= null then
         Dummy := Atomic_Add
           (Abstract_Impl (X.Impl_Access.all).Count'Access, 1);
      end if;
   end Adjust;

   overriding procedure Finalize (X : in out Ref) is
      Impl_Access : Abstract_Impl_Access := X.Impl_Access;
      use type Interfaces.Integer_32;
      procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
        (Abstract_Impl'Class, Abstract_Impl_Access);
      X.Impl_Access := null;
      if Impl_Access /= null then
         if Atomic_Add (Impl_Access.all.Count'Access, -1) = 0 then
               Tag : Ada.Tags.Tag := Impl_Access.all'Tag;
               Xtag : String := Ada.Tags.External_Tag (Tag);
               Alloc_Counts_Pkg.Decrement (Tag);
               Cleanup (Impl_Access.all);
               Impl_Access.all.Wr.Object.all := null;
               Free (Impl_Access);
               when Occ : others =>
                    ("*** Rc: " & Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name (Occ)
                     & " on Cleanup/Free for " & Xtag);
         end if;
      end if;
   end Finalize;

   function Get_Weak_Ref (Impl : not null access Api'Class) return Weak_Ref is
      if Impl /= null then
         return Abstract_Impl'Class (Impl.all).Wr;
         return Null_Weak_Ref;
      end if;
   end Get_Weak_Ref;

end Rc;
with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Hash; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Exceptions;
with GNAT.Strings;
with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps;

package body Alloc_Counts_Pkg is

   protected type Write_Resource is
      entry Seize;
      procedure Release;
      Busy : Boolean := False;
   end Write_Resource;

   protected body Write_Resource is

      entry Seize when not Busy is
         Busy := True;
      end Seize;

      procedure Release is
         Busy := False;
      end Release;

   end Write_Resource;

   type Counts is record
      Inc, Dec : Integer;
   end record;
   package Count_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps
     (Key_Type     => Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String,
      Element_Type => Counts,
      "<"          => Ada.Strings.Unbounded."<");

   Cmap : Count_Maps.Map;
   Lock : Write_Resource;

   -- Increment --

   procedure Increment (Tag : in Ada.Tags.Tag) is
         Utag : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String
           (Ada.Tags.Expanded_Name (Tag));
         Cts : Counts := (1, 0);
         if Cmap.Contains (Utag) then
            Cts := Cmap.Element (Utag);
            Cts.Inc := Cts.Inc + 1;
            Cmap.Replace (Utag, Cts);
            Cmap.Include (Utag, Cts);
         end if;
         when Occ : others =>
              ("*** Alloc_Counts.Increment: "
                & Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name (Occ));
   end Increment;

   -- Decrement --

   procedure Decrement (Tag : in Ada.Tags.Tag) is
         Utag : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String
           (Ada.Tags.Expanded_Name (Tag));
         Cts : Counts := (0, 1);
         if Cmap.Contains (Utag) then
            Cts := Cmap.Element (Utag);
            Cts.Dec := Cts.Dec + 1;
            Cmap.Replace (Utag, Cts);
            Cmap.Include (Utag, Cts);
         end if;
         when Occ : others =>
              ("*** Alloc_Counts.Decrement: " &
                Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name (Occ));
   end Decrement;

   -- Dump --

   procedure Dump
      procedure Dump_Cell (C : in Count_Maps.Cursor)
         Cts : Counts := Count_Maps.Element (C);
         Tag : String := To_String (Count_Maps.Key (C));
         if Cts.Inc - Cts.Dec /= 0 then
              (Tag & " " & Integer'Image (Cts.Inc)
               & " -" & Integer'Image (Cts.Dec)
               & " = " & Integer'Image (Cts.Inc - Cts.Dec));
         end if;
      end Dump_Cell;
      C : Count_Maps.Cursor := Cmap.First;
      while Count_Maps.Has_Element (C) loop
         Dump_Cell (C);
         Count_Maps.Next (C);
      end loop;
   end Dump;

end Alloc_Counts_Pkg;
with Ada.Tags;
package Alloc_Counts_Pkg is

   pragma Elaborate_Body (Alloc_Counts_Pkg);

   procedure Increment (Tag : in Ada.Tags.Tag);
   procedure Decrement (Tag : in Ada.Tags.Tag);

   procedure Dump;

end Alloc_Counts_Pkg;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2017-04-27  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>

	* sem_ch4.adb (Analyze_Call): If the return type of a function
	is incomplete in an context in which the full view is available,
	replace the type of the call by the full view, to prevent spurious
	type errors.
	* exp_disp.adb (Check_Premature_Freezing): Disable check on an
	abstract subprogram so that compiler does not reject a parameter
	of a primitive operation of a tagged type being frozen, when
	the untagged type of that parameter cannot be frozen.
diff mbox


Index: exp_disp.adb
--- exp_disp.adb	(revision 247293)
+++ exp_disp.adb	(working copy)
@@ -4510,10 +4510,13 @@ 
       if Building_Static_DT (Typ) then
-            Save      : constant Boolean := Freezing_Library_Level_Tagged_Type;
+            Saved_FLLTT : constant Boolean :=
+                            Freezing_Library_Level_Tagged_Type;
+            Formal    : Entity_Id;
+            Frnodes   : List_Id;
             Prim      : Entity_Id;
             Prim_Elmt : Elmt_Id;
-            Frnodes   : List_Id;
             Freezing_Library_Level_Tagged_Type := True;
@@ -4523,18 +4526,21 @@ 
                Prim    := Node (Prim_Elmt);
                Frnodes := Freeze_Entity (Prim, Typ);
-               declare
-                  F : Entity_Id;
+               --  We disable this check for abstract subprograms, given that
+               --  they cannot be called directly and thus the state of their
+               --  untagged formals is of no concern. The RM is unclear in any
+               --  case concerning the need for this check, and this topic may
+               --  go back to the ARG.
-               begin
-                  F := First_Formal (Prim);
-                  while Present (F) loop
-                     Check_Premature_Freezing (Prim, Typ, Etype (F));
-                     Next_Formal (F);
+               if not Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Prim)  then
+                  Formal := First_Formal (Prim);
+                  while Present (Formal) loop
+                     Check_Premature_Freezing (Prim, Typ, Etype (Formal));
+                     Next_Formal (Formal);
                   end loop;
                   Check_Premature_Freezing (Prim, Typ, Etype (Prim));
-               end;
+               end if;
                if Present (Frnodes) then
                   Append_List_To (Result, Frnodes);
@@ -4543,7 +4549,7 @@ 
                Next_Elmt (Prim_Elmt);
             end loop;
-            Freezing_Library_Level_Tagged_Type := Save;
+            Freezing_Library_Level_Tagged_Type := Saved_FLLTT;
       end if;
Index: sem_ch4.adb
--- sem_ch4.adb	(revision 247295)
+++ sem_ch4.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1463,6 +1463,25 @@ 
          --  actuals.
          Check_Function_Writable_Actuals (N);
+         --  The return type of the function may be incomplete. This can be
+         --  the case if the type is a generic formal, or a limited view. It
+         --  can also happen when the function declaration appears before the
+         --  full view of the type (which is legal in Ada 2012) and the call
+         --  appears in a different unit, in which case the incomplete view
+         --  must be replaced with the full view to prevent subsequent type
+         --  errors.
+         if Is_Incomplete_Type (Etype (N))
+           and then Present (Full_View (Etype (N)))
+         then
+            if Is_Entity_Name (Nam) then
+               Set_Etype (Nam, Full_View (Etype (N)));
+               Set_Etype (Entity (Nam), Full_View (Etype (N)));
+            end if;
+            Set_Etype (N, Full_View (Etype (N)));
+         end if;
       end if;
    end Analyze_Call;