diff mbox

[Ada] Finer grained secondary stack management

Message ID 20170427085134.GA76673@adacore.com
State New
Headers show

Commit Message

Arnaud Charlet April 27, 2017, 8:51 a.m. UTC
This patch has several effects:

1) The management of the secondary stack is now "tighter". A transient block
   created for the purpose of managing the secondary stack will do so unless
   the block appears within a function returning on the secondary stack or when
   2) is in effect. Previously, due to some questionable logic, the management
   was left to the nearest enclosing scoping construct and not the block even
   though the block was created to manage the secondary stack in the first

2) Switch -gnatd.s now controls an optimization where a transient block created
   for the purpose of managing the secondary stack will no longer manage the
   secondary stack when there is an enclosing scoping construct which already
   does so.

-- Source --

--  pack.ads

package Pack is
   type Truth_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Boolean;

   procedure Diagnose_Truth (Val : Truth_Array);
   function  Diagnose_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean;

   function Invert_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) return Truth_Array;

   function Is_All_False (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean;
   function Is_All_True  (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean;
   function Is_Gray_Area (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean;

   function Make_Truth (Ts : Natural; Fs : Natural) return Truth_Array;
end Pack;

--  pack.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

package body Pack is
   procedure Diagnose_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) is
      if Is_All_False (Val) then
         Put_Line ("  it is all lies");
      elsif Is_All_True (Val) then
         Put_Line ("  it is all true");
      elsif Is_Gray_Area (Val) then
         Put_Line ("  50 shades of gray");
         Put_Line ("  truth not found");
      end if;
   end Diagnose_Truth;

   function Diagnose_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean is
      Diagnose_Truth (Val);
      return True;
   end Diagnose_Truth;

   function Invert_Truth (Val : Truth_Array) return Truth_Array is
      Result : Truth_Array := Val;

      for Index in Result'Range loop
          Result (Index) := not Val (Index);
      end loop;

      return Result;
   end Invert_Truth;

   function Is_All_False (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean is
      Has_True : Boolean := False;
      Is_Empty : Boolean := True;

      for Index in Val'Range loop
         Is_Empty := False;

         if Val (Index) then
            Has_True := True;
         end if;
      end loop;

      return not Is_Empty and not Has_True;
   end Is_All_False;

   function Is_All_True (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean is
      Has_False : Boolean := False;
      Is_Empty  : Boolean := True;

      for Index in Val'Range loop
         Is_Empty := False;

         if not Val (Index) then
            Has_False := True;
         end if;
      end loop;

      return not Is_Empty and not Has_False;
   end Is_All_True;

   function Is_Gray_Area (Val : Truth_Array) return Boolean is
      Has_False : Boolean := False;
      Has_True  : Boolean := False;
      Is_Empty  : Boolean := True;

      for Index in Val'Range loop
         Is_Empty := False;

         if Val (Index) then
            Has_True  := True;
            Has_False := True;
         end if;
      end loop;

      return not Is_Empty and Has_False and Has_True;
   end Is_Gray_Area;

   function Make_Truth (Ts : Natural; Fs : Natural) return Truth_Array is
      Result : Truth_Array (1 .. Ts + Fs) := (others => False);

      for Index in 1 .. Ts loop
         Result (Index) := True;
      end loop;

      return Result;
   end Make_Truth;
end Pack;

--  optimization.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Pack;        use Pack;

pragma Warnings (Off);
with System.Secondary_Stack; use System.Secondary_Stack;
pragma Warnings (On);

procedure Optimization is
   procedure Leaks (Val : Boolean) is
      Obj : constant Truth_Array := Make_Truth (100_000, 0);

      if Val then
         Diagnose_Truth (Invert_Truth (Make_Truth (0, 100_000)));
      end if;
   end Leaks;

   SS_Before : constant Mark_Id := SS_Mark;

   Leaks (True);

   if SS_Mark = SS_Before then
      Put_Line ("OK");
      Put_Line ("ERROR: secondary stack not reclaimed");
   end if;
end Optimization;

-- Compilation and output --  (only relevant parts shown)

$ gnatmake -q -f -gnatG -gnatdI optimization.adb
$ ./optimization
$ gnatmake -q -f -gnatG -gnatdI optimization.adb -gnatd.s
$ ./optimization

   procedure optimization__leaks (val : boolean) is
      M...b : constant system__secondary_stack__mark_id :=
      procedure optimization__leaks___finalizer;

      procedure optimization__leaks___finalizer is
         $system__secondary_stack__ss_release (M...b);
      end optimization__leaks___finalizer;
      type optimization__leaks__A...b is access all pack__truth_array;
      R...b : constant optimization__leaks__A...b := pack__make_truth (
        100000, 0)'reference;
      B...b : constant integer := R...b.all'first(1);
      B...b : constant integer := R...b.all'last(1);
      subtype optimization__leaks__TobjS is pack__truth_array (B...b ..
      [constraint_error when
        B...b >= B...b and then (B...b < 1)
        "range check failed"]
      obj : pack__truth_array renames R...b.all;
      if val then
         B...b : declare
            M...b : constant system__secondary_stack__mark_id :=
            procedure optimization__leaks__B...b___finalizer;

            procedure optimization__leaks__B...b___finalizer is
               $system__secondary_stack__ss_release (M...b);
            end optimization__leaks__B...b___finalizer;
            pack__diagnose_truth (pack__invert_truth (pack__make_truth
              (0, 100000)));
         at end
         end B...b;
      end if;
   at end
   end optimization__leaks;

  it is all true

   procedure optimization__leaks (val : boolean) is
      M...b : constant system__secondary_stack__mark_id :=
      procedure optimization__leaks___finalizer;

      procedure optimization__leaks___finalizer is
         $system__secondary_stack__ss_release (M...b);
      end optimization__leaks___finalizer;
      type optimization__leaks__A...b is access all pack__truth_array;
      R...b : constant optimization__leaks__A...b := pack__make_truth (
        100000, 0)'reference;
      B...b : constant integer := R...b.all'first(1);
      B...b : constant integer := R...b.all'last(1);
      subtype optimization__leaks__TobjS is pack__truth_array (B...b ..
      [constraint_error when
        B...b >= B...b and then (B...b < 1)
        "range check failed"]
      obj : pack__truth_array renames R...b.all;
      if val then
         B...b : declare
            pack__diagnose_truth (pack__invert_truth (pack__make_truth
              (0, 100000)));
         end B...b;
      end if;
   at end
   end optimization__leaks;

  it is all true

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2017-04-27  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>

	* debug.adb: Document the use of switch -gnatd.s.
	* einfo.ads Update the documentation on attribute
	Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return and attribute Uses_Sec_Stack. Remove
	the uses of these attributes from certain entities.
	* exp_ch7.adb (Make_Transient_Block): Reimplement the circuitry
	which determines whether the block should continue to manage
	the secondary stack.
	(Manages_Sec_Stack): New routine.
diff mbox


Index: debug.adb
--- debug.adb	(revision 247293)
+++ debug.adb	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ 
    --  d.p  Use original Ada 95 semantics for Bit_Order (disable AI95-0133)
    --  d.q  Suppress optimizations on imported 'in'
    --  d.r  Enable OK_To_Reorder_Components in non-variant records
-   --  d.s
+   --  d.s  Minimize secondary stack Mark and Release calls
    --  d.t  Disable static allocation of library level dispatch tables
    --  d.u  Enable Modify_Tree_For_C (update tree for c)
    --  d.v  Enable OK_To_Reorder_Components in variant records
@@ -572,6 +572,11 @@ 
    --  d.r  Forces the flag OK_To_Reorder_Components to be set in all record
    --       base types that have no discriminants.
+   --  d.s  The compiler does not generate calls to secondary stack management
+   --       routines SS_Mark and SS_Release for a transient block when there is
+   --       an enclosing scoping construct which already manages the secondary
+   --       stack.
    --  d.t  The compiler has been modified (a fairly extensive modification)
    --       to generate static dispatch tables for library level tagged types.
    --       This debug switch disables this modification and reverts to the
Index: einfo.ads
--- einfo.ads	(revision 247293)
+++ einfo.ads	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 S p e c                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -4163,10 +4163,10 @@ 
 --       needed, since returns an invalid value in this case.
 --    Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return (Flag167)
---       Defined in scope entities (blocks, functions, procedures, tasks,
---       entries). Set to True when secondary stack is used to hold the
---       returned value of a function and thus should not be released on
---       scope exit.
+--       Defined in scope entities (blocks, entries, entry families, functions,
+--       and procedures). Set to True when secondary stack is used to hold the
+--       returned value of a function and thus should not be released on scope
+--       exit.
 --    Shadow_Entities (List14)
 --       Defined in package and generic package entities. Points to a list
@@ -4522,9 +4522,10 @@ 
 --       Protection object (see System.Tasking.Protected_Objects).
 --    Uses_Sec_Stack (Flag95)
---       Defined in scope entities (block, entry, function, loop, procedure,
---       task). Set to True when secondary stack is used in this scope and must
---       be released on exit unless Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return is set.
+--       Defined in scope entities (blocks, entries, entry families, functions,
+--       loops, and procedures). Set to True when the secondary stack is used
+--       in this scope and must be released on exit unless flag
+--       Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return is set.
 --    Validated_Object (Node36)
 --       Defined in variables. Contains the object whose value is captured by
@@ -6442,11 +6443,9 @@ 
    --    SPARK_Pragma                        (Node40)
    --    SPARK_Aux_Pragma                    (Node41)
    --    Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas           (Flag301)
-   --    Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return         (Flag167)  ???
    --    SPARK_Aux_Pragma_Inherited          (Flag266)
    --    SPARK_Pragma_Inherited              (Flag265)
    --    Uses_Lock_Free                      (Flag188)
-   --    Uses_Sec_Stack                      (Flag95)   ???
    --    First_Component                     (synth)
    --    First_Component_Or_Discriminant     (synth)
    --    Has_Entries                         (synth)
@@ -6597,10 +6596,8 @@ 
    --    Has_Master_Entity                   (Flag21)
    --    Has_Storage_Size_Clause             (Flag23)   (base type only)
    --    Ignore_SPARK_Mode_Pragmas           (Flag301)
-   --    Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return         (Flag167)  ???
    --    SPARK_Aux_Pragma_Inherited          (Flag266)
    --    SPARK_Pragma_Inherited              (Flag265)
-   --    Uses_Sec_Stack                      (Flag95)   ???
    --    First_Component                     (synth)
    --    First_Component_Or_Discriminant     (synth)
    --    Has_Entries                         (synth)
Index: exp_ch7.adb
--- exp_ch7.adb	(revision 247293)
+++ exp_ch7.adb	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -8266,83 +8266,115 @@ 
       Action : Node_Id;
       Par    : Node_Id) return Node_Id
-      Decls  : constant List_Id := New_List;
-      Instrs : constant List_Id := New_List (Action);
+      function Manages_Sec_Stack (Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+      --  Determine whether scoping entity Id manages the secondary stack
+      -----------------------
+      -- Manages_Sec_Stack --
+      -----------------------
+      function Manages_Sec_Stack (Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+      begin
+         --  An exception handler with a choice parameter utilizes a dummy
+         --  block to provide a declarative region. Such a block should not be
+         --  considered because it never manifests in the tree and can never
+         --  release the secondary stack.
+         if Ekind (Id) = E_Block
+           and then Uses_Sec_Stack (Id)
+           and then not Is_Exception_Handler (Id)
+         then
+            return True;
+         --  Loops are intentionally excluded because they undergo special
+         --  treatment, see Establish_Transient_Scope.
+         elsif Ekind_In (Id, E_Entry,
+                             E_Entry_Family,
+                             E_Function,
+                             E_Procedure)
+           and then Uses_Sec_Stack (Id)
+         then
+            return True;
+         else
+            return False;
+         end if;
+      end Manages_Sec_Stack;
+      --  Local variables
+      Decls    : constant List_Id   := New_List;
+      Instrs   : constant List_Id   := New_List (Action);
+      Trans_Id : constant Entity_Id := Current_Scope;
       Block  : Node_Id;
       Insert : Node_Id;
+      Scop   : Entity_Id;
+   --  Start of processing for Make_Transient_Block
-      --  Case where only secondary stack use is involved
+      --  Even though the transient block is tasked with managing the secondary
+      --  stack, the block may forgo this functionality depending on how the
+      --  secondary stack is managed by enclosing scopes.
-      if Uses_Sec_Stack (Current_Scope)
-        and then Nkind (Action) /= N_Simple_Return_Statement
-        and then Nkind (Par) /= N_Exception_Handler
-      then
-         declare
-            S : Entity_Id;
+      if Manages_Sec_Stack (Trans_Id) then
-         begin
-            S := Scope (Current_Scope);
-            loop
-               --  At the outer level, no need to release the sec stack
+         --  Determine whether an enclosing scope already manages the secondary
+         --  stack.
-               if S = Standard_Standard then
-                  Set_Uses_Sec_Stack (Current_Scope, False);
-                  exit;
+         Scop := Scope (Trans_Id);
+         while Present (Scop) loop
+            if Scop = Standard_Standard then
+               exit;
-               --  In a function, only release the sec stack if the function
-               --  does not return on the sec stack otherwise the result may
-               --  be lost. The caller is responsible for releasing.
+            --  The transient block must manage the secondary stack when the
+            --  block appears within a loop in order to reclaim the memory at
+            --  each iteration.
-               elsif Ekind (S) = E_Function then
-                  Set_Uses_Sec_Stack (Current_Scope, False);
+            elsif Ekind (Scop) = E_Loop then
+               exit;
-                  if not Requires_Transient_Scope (Etype (S)) then
-                     Set_Uses_Sec_Stack (S, True);
-                     Check_Restriction (No_Secondary_Stack, Action);
-                  end if;
+            --  The transient block is within a function which returns on the
+            --  secondary stack. Take a conservative approach and assume that
+            --  the value on the secondary stack is part of the result. Note
+            --  that it is not possible to detect this dependency without flow
+            --  analysis which the compiler does not have. Letting the object
+            --  live longer than the transient block will not leak any memory
+            --  because the caller will reclaim the total storage used by the
+            --  function.
-                  exit;
+            elsif Ekind (Scop) = E_Function
+              and then Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return (Scop)
+            then
+               Set_Uses_Sec_Stack (Trans_Id, False);
+               exit;
-               --  In a loop or entry we should install a block encompassing
-               --  all the construct. For now just release right away.
+            --  When requested, the transient block does not need to manage the
+            --  secondary stack when there exists an enclosing block, entry,
+            --  entry family, function, or a procedure which already does that.
+            --  This optimization saves on SS_Mark and SS_Release calls but may
+            --  allow objects to live a little longer than required.
-               elsif Ekind_In (S, E_Entry, E_Loop) then
-                  exit;
+            elsif Debug_Flag_Dot_S and then Manages_Sec_Stack (Scop) then
+               Set_Uses_Sec_Stack (Trans_Id, False);
+               exit;
+            end if;
-               --  In a procedure or a block, release the sec stack on exit
-               --  from the construct. Note that an exception handler with a
-               --  choice parameter requires a declarative region in the form
-               --  of a block. The block does not physically manifest in the
-               --  tree as it only serves as a scope. Do not consider such a
-               --  block because it will never release the sec stack.
-               --  ??? Memory leak can be created by recursive calls
-               elsif Ekind (S) = E_Procedure
-                 or else (Ekind (S) = E_Block
-                           and then not Is_Exception_Handler (S))
-               then
-                  Set_Uses_Sec_Stack (Current_Scope, False);
-                  Set_Uses_Sec_Stack (S, True);
-                  Check_Restriction (No_Secondary_Stack, Action);
-                  exit;
-               else
-                  S := Scope (S);
-               end if;
-            end loop;
-         end;
+            Scop := Scope (Scop);
+         end loop;
       end if;
       --  Create the transient block. Set the parent now since the block itself
-      --  is not part of the tree. The current scope is the E_Block entity
-      --  that has been pushed by Establish_Transient_Scope.
+      --  is not part of the tree. The current scope is the E_Block entity that
+      --  has been pushed by Establish_Transient_Scope.
-      pragma Assert (Ekind (Current_Scope) = E_Block);
+      pragma Assert (Ekind (Trans_Id) = E_Block);
       Block :=
         Make_Block_Statement (Loc,
-          Identifier                 => New_Occurrence_Of (Current_Scope, Loc),
+          Identifier                 => New_Occurrence_Of (Trans_Id, Loc),
           Declarations               => Decls,
           Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
             Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Statements => Instrs),
@@ -8357,8 +8389,9 @@ 
         (Action, Clean => False, Manage_SS => False);
       Insert := Prev (Action);
       if Present (Insert) then
-         Freeze_All (First_Entity (Current_Scope), Insert);
+         Freeze_All (First_Entity (Trans_Id), Insert);
       end if;
       --  Transfer cleanup actions to the newly created block