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[Ada] Early finalization of ctrl func result clobbers array element

Message ID 20160704100108.GA47807@adacore.com
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Commit Message

Arnaud Charlet July 4, 2016, 10:01 a.m. UTC
This match modifies the expansion of array aggregates to perform in-place
side effect removal when a controlled function call acts as an initialization
expression. This eliminates the transient property of the function call and
ensures the proper order of copy, adjustment, and finalization.

-- Source --

--  types.ads

with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;

package Types is
   type Ctrl is new Controlled with record
      Id : Natural := 0;
   end record;

   procedure Adjust (Obj : in out Ctrl);
   procedure Finalize (Obj : in out Ctrl);
   procedure Initialize (Obj : in out Ctrl);

   function Make_Ctrl return Ctrl;

   type Arr_1 is array (1 .. 10) of Ctrl;
   type Arr_2 is array (Integer range <>) of Ctrl;

   type Arr_3 is array (-10 .. -1) of Arr_1;
end Types;

--  types.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

package body Types is
   Id_Gen : Natural := 100;

   procedure Adjust (Obj : in out Ctrl) is
      Old_Id : constant Natural := Obj.Id;
      New_Id : constant Natural := Old_Id + 1;

      if Old_Id = 0 then
         Put_Line ("ERROR: adjusting finalized object");
      end if;

      Put_Line ("  adj" & Old_Id'Img & " ->" & New_Id'Img);
      Obj.Id := New_Id;
   end Adjust;

   procedure Finalize (Obj : in out Ctrl) is
      Put_Line ("  fin" & Obj.Id'Img);
      Obj.Id := 0;
   end Finalize;

   procedure Initialize (Obj : in out Ctrl) is
      Id_Gen := Id_Gen + 100;
      Obj.Id := Id_Gen;
      Put_Line ("  ini" & Obj.Id'Img);
   end Initialize;

   function Make_Ctrl return Ctrl is
      return Result : Ctrl;
   end Make_Ctrl;
end Types;

--  aggregates.ads

with Types; use Types;

package Aggregates is
   function Func_4 (Build : Boolean) return Arr_3;
end Aggregates;

--  aggregats.adb

package body Aggregates is
   function Func_4 (Build : Boolean) return Arr_3 is
      if Build then
         return (-4         =>    --  1) resolve 6) transient scope
                   (others  =>    --  2) resolve
                     Make_Ctrl),  -- 13) transient scope
                 -1         =>
                   (others  =>    --  3) resolve
                     Make_Ctrl),  -- 14) transient scope
                 -9 .. -5   =>
                   (others  =>    -- 10) resolve 11) transient scope
                     Make_Ctrl),  -- 12) transient scope
                 -10        =>
                   (1 .. 3  =>    --  4) resolve
                      Make_Ctrl,  --  8) transient scope
                    4       =>
                      Make_Ctrl,  --  5) transient scope
                    others  =>
                      Make_Ctrl), --  9) transient scope
                 others     =>
                   (1 .. 10 =>    --  7) resolve 15) resolve 16) transient s
                     Make_Ctrl)); -- 17) transient scope
         raise Program_Error;
      end if;
   end Func_4;
end Aggregates;

--  main.adb

with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;
with Ada.Text_IO;      use Ada.Text_IO;
with Aggregates;       use Aggregates;
with Types;            use Types;

procedure Main is
   Put_Line ("Complex mixed aggregate");
     Obj_4 : constant Arr_3 := Func_4 (True);
   begin null; end;

   Put_Line ("End");
end Main;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q main.adb
$ ./main
Complex mixed aggregate
  ini 200
  adj 200 -> 201
  fin 200
  ini 300
  adj 300 -> 301
  fin 300
  adj 301 -> 302
  fin 301
  ini 400
  adj 400 -> 401
  fin 400
  adj 401 -> 402
  fin 401
  ini 500
  adj 500 -> 501
  fin 500
  adj 501 -> 502
  fin 501
  adj 201 -> 202
  ini 600
  adj 600 -> 601
  fin 600
  adj 601 -> 602
  fin 601
  ini 700
  adj 700 -> 701
  fin 700
  adj 701 -> 702
  fin 701
  ini 800
  adj 800 -> 801
  fin 800
  adj 801 -> 802
  fin 801
  ini 900
  adj 900 -> 901
  fin 900
  adj 901 -> 902
  fin 901
  ini 1000
  adj 1000 -> 1001
  fin 1000
  adj 1001 -> 1002
  fin 1001
  ini 1100
  adj 1100 -> 1101
  fin 1100
  adj 1101 -> 1102
  fin 1101
  ini 1200
  adj 1200 -> 1201
  fin 1200
  adj 1201 -> 1202
  fin 1201
  ini 1300
  adj 1300 -> 1301
  fin 1300
  adj 1301 -> 1302
  fin 1301
  ini 1400
  adj 1400 -> 1401
  fin 1400
  adj 1401 -> 1402
  fin 1401
  ini 1500
  adj 1500 -> 1501
  fin 1500
  adj 1501 -> 1502
  fin 1501
  ini 1600
  adj 1600 -> 1601
  fin 1600
  adj 1601 -> 1602
  fin 1601
  ini 1700
  adj 1700 -> 1701
  fin 1700
  adj 1701 -> 1702
  fin 1701
  ini 1800
  adj 1800 -> 1801
  fin 1800
  adj 1801 -> 1802
  fin 1801
  ini 1900
  adj 1900 -> 1901
  fin 1900
  adj 1901 -> 1902
  fin 1901
  ini 2000
  adj 2000 -> 2001
  fin 2000
  adj 2001 -> 2002
  fin 2001
  ini 2100
  adj 2100 -> 2101
  fin 2100
  adj 2101 -> 2102
  fin 2101
  fin 2102
  fin 2002
  fin 1902
  fin 1802
  fin 1702
  fin 1602
  fin 1502
  fin 1402
  fin 1302
  fin 1202
  ini 2200
  adj 2200 -> 2201
  fin 2200
  adj 2201 -> 2202
  fin 2201
  ini 2300
  adj 2300 -> 2301
  fin 2300
  adj 2301 -> 2302
  fin 2301
  ini 2400
  adj 2400 -> 2401
  fin 2400
  adj 2401 -> 2402
  fin 2401
  ini 2500
  adj 2500 -> 2501
  fin 2500
  adj 2501 -> 2502
  fin 2501
  ini 2600
  adj 2600 -> 2601
  fin 2600
  adj 2601 -> 2602
  fin 2601
  ini 2700
  adj 2700 -> 2701
  fin 2700
  adj 2701 -> 2702
  fin 2701
  ini 2800
  adj 2800 -> 2801
  fin 2800
  adj 2801 -> 2802
  fin 2801
  ini 2900
  adj 2900 -> 2901
  fin 2900
  adj 2901 -> 2902
  fin 2901
  ini 3000
  adj 3000 -> 3001
  fin 3000
  adj 3001 -> 3002
  fin 3001
  ini 3100
  adj 3100 -> 3101
  fin 3100
  adj 3101 -> 3102
  fin 3101
  fin 3102
  fin 3002
  fin 2902
  fin 2802
  fin 2702
  fin 2602
  fin 2502
  fin 2402
  fin 2302
  fin 2202
  ini 3200
  adj 3200 -> 3201
  fin 3200
  adj 3201 -> 3202
  fin 3201
  ini 3300
  adj 3300 -> 3301
  fin 3300
  adj 3301 -> 3302
  fin 3301
  ini 3400
  adj 3400 -> 3401
  fin 3400
  adj 3401 -> 3402
  fin 3401
  ini 3500
  adj 3500 -> 3501
  fin 3500
  adj 3501 -> 3502
  fin 3501
  ini 3600
  adj 3600 -> 3601
  fin 3600
  adj 3601 -> 3602
  fin 3601
  ini 3700
  adj 3700 -> 3701
  fin 3700
  adj 3701 -> 3702
  fin 3701
  ini 3800
  adj 3800 -> 3801
  fin 3800
  adj 3801 -> 3802
  fin 3801
  ini 3900
  adj 3900 -> 3901
  fin 3900
  adj 3901 -> 3902
  fin 3901
  ini 4000
  adj 4000 -> 4001
  fin 4000
  adj 4001 -> 4002
  fin 4001
  ini 4100
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  fin 4100
  adj 4101 -> 4102
  fin 4101
  fin 4102
  fin 4002
  fin 3902
  fin 3802
  fin 3702
  fin 3602
  fin 3502
  fin 3402
  fin 3302
  fin 3202
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  fin 4200
  adj 4201 -> 4202
  fin 4201
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  fin 4300
  adj 4301 -> 4302
  fin 4301
  ini 4400
  adj 4400 -> 4401
  fin 4400
  adj 4401 -> 4402
  fin 4401
  ini 4500
  adj 4500 -> 4501
  fin 4500
  adj 4501 -> 4502
  fin 4501
  ini 4600
  adj 4600 -> 4601
  fin 4600
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  fin 4601
  ini 4700
  adj 4700 -> 4701
  fin 4700
  adj 4701 -> 4702
  fin 4701
  ini 4800
  adj 4800 -> 4801
  fin 4800
  adj 4801 -> 4802
  fin 4801
  ini 4900
  adj 4900 -> 4901
  fin 4900
  adj 4901 -> 4902
  fin 4901
  ini 5000
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  fin 5000
  adj 5001 -> 5002
  fin 5001
  ini 5100
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  fin 5100
  adj 5101 -> 5102
  fin 5101
  fin 5102
  fin 5002
  fin 4902
  fin 4802
  fin 4702
  fin 4602
  fin 4502
  fin 4402
  fin 4302
  fin 4202
  ini 5200
  adj 5200 -> 5201
  fin 5200
  adj 5201 -> 5202
  fin 5201
  ini 5300
  adj 5300 -> 5301
  fin 5300
  adj 5301 -> 5302
  fin 5301
  ini 5400
  adj 5400 -> 5401
  fin 5400
  adj 5401 -> 5402
  fin 5401
  ini 5500
  adj 5500 -> 5501
  fin 5500
  adj 5501 -> 5502
  fin 5501
  ini 5600
  adj 5600 -> 5601
  fin 5600
  adj 5601 -> 5602
  fin 5601
  ini 5700
  adj 5700 -> 5701
  fin 5700
  adj 5701 -> 5702
  fin 5701
  ini 5800
  adj 5800 -> 5801
  fin 5800
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  fin 5801
  ini 5900
  adj 5900 -> 5901
  fin 5900
  adj 5901 -> 5902
  fin 5901
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  fin 6000
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  fin 6001
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  fin 6102
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  fin 5702
  fin 5602
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  fin 5402
  fin 5302
  fin 5202
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  fin 6201
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  fin 6301
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  fin 6400
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  fin 6401
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  fin 6500
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  fin 6501
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  fin 6600
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  fin 6601
  ini 6700
  adj 6700 -> 6701
  fin 6700
  adj 6701 -> 6702
  fin 6701
  ini 6800
  adj 6800 -> 6801
  fin 6800
  adj 6801 -> 6802
  fin 6801
  ini 6900
  adj 6900 -> 6901
  fin 6900
  adj 6901 -> 6902
  fin 6901
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  fin 7000
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  fin 7001
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  fin 7100
  adj 7101 -> 7102
  fin 7101
  ini 7200
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  fin 7200
  adj 7201 -> 7202
  fin 7201
  ini 7300
  adj 7300 -> 7301
  fin 7300
  adj 7301 -> 7302
  fin 7301
  ini 7400
  adj 7400 -> 7401
  fin 7400
  adj 7401 -> 7402
  fin 7401
  ini 7500
  adj 7500 -> 7501
  fin 7500
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  fin 7501
  ini 7600
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  fin 7600
  adj 7601 -> 7602
  fin 7601
  ini 7700
  adj 7700 -> 7701
  fin 7700
  adj 7701 -> 7702
  fin 7701
  ini 7800
  adj 7800 -> 7801
  fin 7800
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  fin 7801
  ini 7900
  adj 7900 -> 7901
  fin 7900
  adj 7901 -> 7902
  fin 7901
  ini 8000
  adj 8000 -> 8001
  fin 8000
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  fin 8001
  ini 8100
  adj 8100 -> 8101
  fin 8100
  adj 8101 -> 8102
  fin 8101
  ini 8200
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  fin 8200
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  fin 8201
  ini 8300
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  fin 8300
  adj 8301 -> 8302
  fin 8301
  ini 8400
  adj 8400 -> 8401
  fin 8400
  adj 8401 -> 8402
  fin 8401
  ini 8500
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  fin 8500
  adj 8501 -> 8502
  fin 8501
  ini 8600
  adj 8600 -> 8601
  fin 8600
  adj 8601 -> 8602
  fin 8601
  ini 8700
  adj 8700 -> 8701
  fin 8700
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  fin 8701
  ini 8800
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  fin 8800
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  fin 8801
  ini 8900
  adj 8900 -> 8901
  fin 8900
  adj 8901 -> 8902
  fin 8901
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  fin 9000
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  fin 9001
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  fin 9100
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  fin 9101
  fin 9102
  fin 9002
  fin 8902
  fin 8802
  fin 8702
  fin 8602
  fin 8502
  fin 8402
  fin 8302
  fin 8202
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  fin 9200
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  fin 9201
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  fin 9300
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  fin 9301
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  fin 9400
  adj 9401 -> 9402
  fin 9401
  ini 9500
  adj 9500 -> 9501
  fin 9500
  adj 9501 -> 9502
  fin 9501
  ini 9600
  adj 9600 -> 9601
  fin 9600
  adj 9601 -> 9602
  fin 9601
  ini 9700
  adj 9700 -> 9701
  fin 9700
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  fin 9701
  ini 9800
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  fin 9800
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  fin 9801
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  fin 9900
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  fin 9901
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  fin 10000
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  fin 10001
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  fin 10100
  adj 10101 -> 10102
  fin 10101
  fin 10102
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  fin 9702
  fin 9602
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  fin 9402
  fin 9302
  fin 9202
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  adj 1102 -> 1103
  adj 1202 -> 1203
  adj 1302 -> 1303
  adj 1402 -> 1403
  adj 1502 -> 1503
  adj 1602 -> 1603
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  adj 1802 -> 1803
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  adj 2002 -> 2003
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  adj 2502 -> 2503
  adj 2602 -> 2603
  adj 2702 -> 2703
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  adj 2902 -> 2903
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  adj 3302 -> 3303
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  adj 3602 -> 3603
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  adj 3802 -> 3803
  adj 3902 -> 3903
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  adj 4302 -> 4303
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  adj 4902 -> 4903
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  fin 7202
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  fin 9702
  fin 9602
  fin 9502
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  fin 8602
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  fin 5302
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  fin 5102
  fin 5002
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  fin 4602
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  fin 4302
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  fin 3502
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  fin 3202
  fin 3102
  fin 3002
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  fin 2802
  fin 2702
  fin 2602
  fin 2502
  fin 2402
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  fin 2202
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  fin 1902
  fin 1802
  fin 1702
  fin 1602
  fin 1502
  fin 1402
  fin 1302
  fin 1202
  fin 1102
  fin 1002
  fin 902
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  fin 702
  fin 602
  fin 202
  fin 502
  fin 402
  fin 302
  fin 201
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  adj 403 -> 404
  adj 503 -> 504
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  adj 1203 -> 1204
  adj 1303 -> 1304
  adj 1403 -> 1404
  adj 1503 -> 1504
  adj 1603 -> 1604
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  adj 2003 -> 2004
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  adj 2503 -> 2504
  adj 2603 -> 2604
  adj 2703 -> 2704
  adj 2803 -> 2804
  adj 2903 -> 2904
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  adj 3303 -> 3304
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  adj 3603 -> 3604
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  adj 3803 -> 3804
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  adj 4903 -> 4904
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  adj 5903 -> 5904
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  adj 6903 -> 6904
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  adj 9903 -> 9904
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  adj 10103 -> 10104
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  adj 7303 -> 7304
  adj 7403 -> 7404
  adj 7503 -> 7504
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  adj 7803 -> 7804
  adj 7903 -> 7904
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  fin 8003
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  fin 7803
  fin 7703
  fin 7603
  fin 7503
  fin 7403
  fin 7303
  fin 7203
  fin 10103
  fin 10003
  fin 9903
  fin 9803
  fin 9703
  fin 9603
  fin 9503
  fin 9403
  fin 9303
  fin 9203
  fin 9103
  fin 9003
  fin 8903
  fin 8803
  fin 8703
  fin 8603
  fin 8503
  fin 8403
  fin 8303
  fin 8203
  fin 7103
  fin 7003
  fin 6903
  fin 6803
  fin 6703
  fin 6603
  fin 6503
  fin 6403
  fin 6303
  fin 6203
  fin 6103
  fin 6003
  fin 5903
  fin 5803
  fin 5703
  fin 5603
  fin 5503
  fin 5403
  fin 5303
  fin 5203
  fin 5103
  fin 5003
  fin 4903
  fin 4803
  fin 4703
  fin 4603
  fin 4503
  fin 4403
  fin 4303
  fin 4203
  fin 4103
  fin 4003
  fin 3903
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  fin 3703
  fin 3603
  fin 3503
  fin 3403
  fin 3303
  fin 3203
  fin 3103
  fin 3003
  fin 2903
  fin 2803
  fin 2703
  fin 2603
  fin 2503
  fin 2403
  fin 2303
  fin 2203
  fin 2103
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  fin 1903
  fin 1803
  fin 1703
  fin 1603
  fin 1503
  fin 1403
  fin 1303
  fin 1203
  fin 1103
  fin 1003
  fin 903
  fin 803
  fin 703
  fin 603
  fin 203
  fin 503
  fin 403
  fin 303
  fin 8104
  fin 8004
  fin 7904
  fin 7804
  fin 7704
  fin 7604
  fin 7504
  fin 7404
  fin 7304
  fin 7204
  fin 10104
  fin 10004
  fin 9904
  fin 9804
  fin 9704
  fin 9604
  fin 9504
  fin 9404
  fin 9304
  fin 9204
  fin 9104
  fin 9004
  fin 8904
  fin 8804
  fin 8704
  fin 8604
  fin 8504
  fin 8404
  fin 8304
  fin 8204
  fin 7104
  fin 7004
  fin 6904
  fin 6804
  fin 6704
  fin 6604
  fin 6504
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  fin 5904
  fin 5804
  fin 5704
  fin 5604
  fin 5504
  fin 5404
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  fin 5004
  fin 4904
  fin 4804
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  fin 4504
  fin 4404
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  fin 3904
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  fin 3604
  fin 3504
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  fin 3304
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  fin 2904
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  fin 2704
  fin 2604
  fin 2504
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  fin 2104
  fin 2004
  fin 1904
  fin 1804
  fin 1704
  fin 1604
  fin 1504
  fin 1404
  fin 1304
  fin 1204
  fin 1104
  fin 1004
  fin 904
  fin 804
  fin 704
  fin 604
  fin 204
  fin 504
  fin 404
  fin 304

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2016-07-04  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>

	* exp_aggr.adb (Ctrl_Init_Expression): New routine.
	(Gen_Assign): Code cleanup. Perform in-place side effect removal when
	the expression denotes a controlled function call.
	* exp_util.adb (Remove_Side_Effects): Do not remove side effects
	on a function call which has this behavior suppressed.
	* sem_aggr.adb Code cleanup.
	* sinfo.adb (No_Side_Effect_Removal): New routine.
	(Set_Side_Effect_Removal): New routine.
	* sinfo.ads New attribute No_Side_Effect_Removal along with
	occurences in nodes.
	(No_Side_Effect_Removal): New routine along with pragma Inline.
	(Set_Side_Effect_Removal): New routine along with pragma Inline.
diff mbox


Index: sem_aggr.adb
--- sem_aggr.adb	(revision 237957)
+++ sem_aggr.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1821,6 +1821,25 @@ 
          end if;
          Step_2 : declare
+            function Empty_Range (A : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+            --  If an association covers an empty range, some warnings on the
+            --  expression of the association can be disabled.
+            -----------------
+            -- Empty_Range --
+            -----------------
+            function Empty_Range (A : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+               R : constant Node_Id := First (Choices (A));
+            begin
+               return No (Next (R))
+                 and then Nkind (R) = N_Range
+                 and then Compile_Time_Compare
+                            (Low_Bound (R), High_Bound (R), False) = GT;
+            end Empty_Range;
+            --  Local variables
             Low  : Node_Id;
             High : Node_Id;
             --  Denote the lowest and highest values in an aggregate choice
@@ -1845,23 +1864,6 @@ 
             Errors_Posted_On_Choices : Boolean := False;
             --  Keeps track of whether any choices have semantic errors
-            function Empty_Range (A : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-            --  If an association covers an empty range, some warnings on the
-            --  expression of the association can be disabled.
-            -----------------
-            -- Empty_Range --
-            -----------------
-            function Empty_Range (A : Node_Id) return Boolean is
-               R : constant Node_Id := First (Choices (A));
-            begin
-               return No (Next (R))
-                 and then Nkind (R) = N_Range
-                 and then Compile_Time_Compare
-                            (Low_Bound (R), High_Bound (R), False) = GT;
-            end Empty_Range;
          --  Start of processing for Step_2
@@ -3429,10 +3431,6 @@ 
       procedure Resolve_Aggr_Expr (Expr : Node_Id; Component : Node_Id) is
-         Expr_Type : Entity_Id := Empty;
-         New_C     : Entity_Id := Component;
-         New_Expr  : Node_Id;
          function Has_Expansion_Delayed (Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean;
          --  If the expression is an aggregate (possibly qualified) then its
          --  expansion is delayed until the enclosing aggregate is expanded
@@ -3442,15 +3440,6 @@ 
          --  dynamic-sized aggregate in the code, something that gigi cannot
          --  handle.
-         Relocate : Boolean;
-         --  Set to True if the resolved Expr node needs to be relocated when
-         --  attached to the newly created association list. This node need not
-         --  be relocated if its parent pointer is not set. In fact in this
-         --  case Expr is the output of a New_Copy_Tree call. If Relocate is
-         --  True then we have analyzed the expression node in the original
-         --  aggregate and hence it needs to be relocated when moved over to
-         --  the new association list.
          -- Has_Expansion_Delayed --
@@ -3466,6 +3455,21 @@ 
                         and then Has_Expansion_Delayed (Expression (Expr)));
          end Has_Expansion_Delayed;
+         --  Local variables
+         Expr_Type : Entity_Id := Empty;
+         New_C     : Entity_Id := Component;
+         New_Expr  : Node_Id;
+         Relocate : Boolean;
+         --  Set to True if the resolved Expr node needs to be relocated when
+         --  attached to the newly created association list. This node need not
+         --  be relocated if its parent pointer is not set. In fact in this
+         --  case Expr is the output of a New_Copy_Tree call. If Relocate is
+         --  True then we have analyzed the expression node in the original
+         --  aggregate and hence it needs to be relocated when moved over to
+         --  the new association list.
       --  Start of processing for Resolve_Aggr_Expr
Index: exp_util.adb
--- exp_util.adb	(revision 237957)
+++ exp_util.adb	(working copy)
@@ -7693,16 +7693,25 @@ 
         and (Inside_A_Generic or not Full_Analysis or not GNATprove_Mode)
-      end if;
       --  Cannot generate temporaries if the invocation to remove side effects
       --  was issued too early and the type of the expression is not resolved
       --  (this happens because routines Duplicate_Subexpr_XX implicitly invoke
       --  Remove_Side_Effects).
-      if No (Exp_Type) or else Ekind (Exp_Type) = E_Access_Attribute_Type then
+      elsif No (Exp_Type)
+        or else Ekind (Exp_Type) = E_Access_Attribute_Type
+      then
+      --  Nothing to do if prior expansion determined that a function call does
+      --  not require side effect removal.
+      elsif Nkind (Exp) = N_Function_Call
+        and then No_Side_Effect_Removal (Exp)
+      then
+         return;
       --  No action needed for side-effect free expressions
       elsif Check_Side_Effects
Index: sinfo.adb
--- sinfo.adb	(revision 237957)
+++ sinfo.adb	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -2409,6 +2409,14 @@ 
       return Flag17 (N);
    end No_Minimize_Eliminate;
+   function No_Side_Effect_Removal
+      (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (False
+        or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call);
+      return Flag1 (N);
+   end No_Side_Effect_Removal;
    function No_Truncation
       (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
@@ -5664,6 +5672,14 @@ 
       Set_Flag17 (N, Val);
    end Set_No_Minimize_Eliminate;
+   procedure Set_No_Side_Effect_Removal
+      (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (False
+        or else NT (N).Nkind = N_Function_Call);
+      Set_Flag1 (N, Val);
+   end Set_No_Side_Effect_Removal;
    procedure Set_No_Truncation
       (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True) is
Index: sinfo.ads
--- sinfo.ads	(revision 237957)
+++ sinfo.ads	(working copy)
@@ -1946,6 +1946,12 @@ 
    --    It is used to indicate that processing for extended overflow checking
    --    modes is not required (this is used to prevent infinite recursion).
+   --  No_Side_Effect_Removal (Flag1-Sem)
+   --    Present in N_Function_Call nodes. Set when a function call does not
+   --    require side effect removal. This attribute suppresses the generation
+   --    of a temporary to capture the result of the function which eventually
+   --    replaces the function call.
    --  No_Truncation (Flag17-Sem)
    --    Present in N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion node. This flag has an effect
    --    only if the RM_Size of the source is greater than the RM_Size of the
@@ -5296,6 +5302,7 @@ 
       --   actual parameter part)
       --  First_Named_Actual (Node4-Sem)
       --  Controlling_Argument (Node1-Sem) (set to Empty if not dispatching)
+      --  No_Side_Effect_Removal (Flag1-Sem)
       --  Is_Expanded_Build_In_Place_Call (Flag11-Sem)
       --  Do_Tag_Check (Flag13-Sem)
       --  No_Elaboration_Check (Flag14-Sem)
@@ -9540,6 +9547,9 @@ 
    function No_Minimize_Eliminate
      (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;    -- Flag17
+   function No_Side_Effect_Removal
+     (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;    -- Flag1
    function No_Truncation
      (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;    -- Flag17
@@ -10581,6 +10591,9 @@ 
    procedure Set_No_Minimize_Eliminate
      (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True);    -- Flag17
+   procedure Set_No_Side_Effect_Removal
+     (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True);    -- Flag1
    procedure Set_No_Truncation
      (N : Node_Id; Val : Boolean := True);    -- Flag17
@@ -12877,6 +12890,7 @@ 
    pragma Inline (No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec);
    pragma Inline (No_Initialization);
    pragma Inline (No_Minimize_Eliminate);
+   pragma Inline (No_Side_Effect_Removal);
    pragma Inline (No_Truncation);
    pragma Inline (Non_Aliased_Prefix);
    pragma Inline (Null_Present);
@@ -13220,6 +13234,7 @@ 
    pragma Inline (Set_No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec);
    pragma Inline (Set_No_Initialization);
    pragma Inline (Set_No_Minimize_Eliminate);
+   pragma Inline (Set_No_Side_Effect_Removal);
    pragma Inline (Set_No_Truncation);
    pragma Inline (Set_Non_Aliased_Prefix);
    pragma Inline (Set_Null_Excluding_Subtype);
Index: exp_aggr.adb
--- exp_aggr.adb	(revision 237957)
+++ exp_aggr.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1017,19 +1017,20 @@ 
       function Gen_Assign (Ind : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return List_Id is
-         L : constant List_Id := New_List;
-         A : Node_Id;
-         New_Indexes  : List_Id;
-         Indexed_Comp : Node_Id;
-         Expr_Q       : Node_Id;
-         Comp_Type    : Entity_Id := Empty;
          function Add_Loop_Actions (Lis : List_Id) return List_Id;
          --  Collect insert_actions generated in the construction of a
          --  loop, and prepend them to the sequence of assignments to
          --  complete the eventual body of the loop.
+         function Ctrl_Init_Expression
+           (Comp_Typ : Entity_Id;
+            Stmts    : List_Id) return Node_Id;
+         --  Perform in-place side effect removal if expression Expr denotes a
+         --  controlled function call. Return a reference to the entity which
+         --  captures the result of the call. Comp_Typ is the expected type of
+         --  the component. Stmts is the list of initialization statmenets. Any
+         --  generated code is added to Stmts.
          -- Add_Loop_Actions --
@@ -1057,6 +1058,91 @@ 
             end if;
          end Add_Loop_Actions;
+         --------------------------
+         -- Ctrl_Init_Expression --
+         --------------------------
+         function Ctrl_Init_Expression
+           (Comp_Typ : Entity_Id;
+            Stmts    : List_Id) return Node_Id
+         is
+            Init_Expr : Node_Id;
+            Obj_Id    : Entity_Id;
+            Ptr_Typ   : Entity_Id;
+         begin
+            Init_Expr := New_Copy_Tree (Expr);
+            --  Perform a preliminary analysis and resolution to determine
+            --  what the expression denotes. Note that a function call may
+            --  appear as an identifier or an indexed component.
+            Preanalyze_And_Resolve (Init_Expr, Comp_Typ);
+            --  The initialization expression is a controlled function call.
+            --  Perform in-place removal of side effects to avoid creating a
+            --  transient scope. In the end the temporary function result is
+            --  finalized by the general finalization machinery.
+            if Nkind (Init_Expr) = N_Function_Call then
+               --  Suppress the removal of side effects by generatal analysis
+               --  because this behavior is emulated here.
+               Set_No_Side_Effect_Removal (Init_Expr);
+               --  Generate:
+               --    type Ptr_Typ is access all Comp_Typ;
+               Ptr_Typ := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'A');
+               Append_To (Stmts,
+                 Make_Full_Type_Declaration (Loc,
+                   Defining_Identifier => Ptr_Typ,
+                   Type_Definition     =>
+                     Make_Access_To_Object_Definition (Loc,
+                       All_Present        => True,
+                       Subtype_Indication =>
+                         New_Occurrence_Of (Comp_Typ, Loc))));
+               --  Generate:
+               --    Obj : constant Ptr_Typ := Init_Expr'Reference;
+               Obj_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'R');
+               Append_To (Stmts,
+                 Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+                   Defining_Identifier => Obj_Id,
+                   Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Ptr_Typ, Loc),
+                   Expression          => Make_Reference (Loc, Init_Expr)));
+               --  Generate:
+               --    Obj.all;
+               return
+                 Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
+                   Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Obj_Id, Loc));
+            --  Otherwise the initialization expression denotes a controlled
+            --  object. There is nothing special to be done here as there is
+            --  no possible transient scope involvement.
+            else
+               return Init_Expr;
+            end if;
+         end Ctrl_Init_Expression;
+         --  Local variables
+         Stmts : constant List_Id := New_List;
+         Comp_Typ     : Entity_Id := Empty;
+         Expr_Q       : Node_Id;
+         Indexed_Comp : Node_Id;
+         New_Indexes  : List_Id;
+         Stmt         : Node_Id;
+         Stmt_Expr    : Node_Id;
       --  Start of processing for Gen_Assign
@@ -1102,8 +1188,8 @@ 
          end if;
          if Present (Etype (N)) and then Etype (N) /= Any_Composite then
-            Comp_Type := Component_Type (Etype (N));
-            pragma Assert (Comp_Type = Ctype); --  AI-287
+            Comp_Typ := Component_Type (Etype (N));
+            pragma Assert (Comp_Typ = Ctype); --  AI-287
          elsif Present (Next (First (New_Indexes))) then
@@ -1129,7 +1215,7 @@ 
                      if Nkind (P) = N_Aggregate
                        and then Present (Etype (P))
-                        Comp_Type := Component_Type (Etype (P));
+                        Comp_Typ := Component_Type (Etype (P));
@@ -1137,7 +1223,7 @@ 
                      end if;
                   end loop;
-                  pragma Assert (Comp_Type = Ctype); --  AI-287
+                  pragma Assert (Comp_Typ = Ctype); --  AI-287
             end if;
          end if;
@@ -1155,8 +1241,8 @@ 
             --  the analysis of non-array aggregates now in order to get the
             --  value of Expansion_Delayed flag for the inner aggregate ???
-            if Present (Comp_Type) and then not Is_Array_Type (Comp_Type) then
-               Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr_Q, Comp_Type);
+            if Present (Comp_Typ) and then not Is_Array_Type (Comp_Typ) then
+               Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr_Q, Comp_Typ);
             end if;
             if Is_Delayed_Aggregate (Expr_Q) then
@@ -1171,9 +1257,9 @@ 
                --  generated in the usual fashion, and sliding will take place.
                if Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Assignment_Statement
-                 and then Is_Array_Type (Comp_Type)
+                 and then Is_Array_Type (Comp_Typ)
                  and then Present (Component_Associations (Expr_Q))
-                 and then Must_Slide (Comp_Type, Etype (Expr_Q))
+                 and then Must_Slide (Comp_Typ, Etype (Expr_Q))
                   Set_Expansion_Delayed (Expr_Q, False);
                   Set_Analyzed (Expr_Q, False);
@@ -1201,7 +1287,7 @@ 
             if Present (Base_Init_Proc (Base_Type (Ctype)))
               or else Has_Task (Base_Type (Ctype))
-               Append_List_To (L,
+               Append_List_To (Stmts,
                  Build_Initialization_Call (Loc,
                    Id_Ref            => Indexed_Comp,
                    Typ               => Ctype,
@@ -1214,28 +1300,81 @@ 
                if Has_Invariants (Ctype) then
                   Set_Etype (Indexed_Comp, Ctype);
-                  Append_To (L, Make_Invariant_Call (Indexed_Comp));
+                  Append_To (Stmts, Make_Invariant_Call (Indexed_Comp));
                end if;
             elsif Is_Access_Type (Ctype) then
-               Append_To (L,
+               Append_To (Stmts,
                  Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
-                   Name       => Indexed_Comp,
+                   Name       => New_Copy_Tree (Indexed_Comp),
                    Expression => Make_Null (Loc)));
             end if;
             if Needs_Finalization (Ctype) then
-               Append_To (L,
+               Append_To (Stmts,
                    (Obj_Ref => New_Copy_Tree (Indexed_Comp),
                     Typ     => Ctype));
             end if;
-            A :=
+            --  Handle an initialization expression of a controlled type in
+            --  case it denotes a function call. In general such a scenario
+            --  will produce a transient scope, but this will lead to wrong
+            --  order of initialization, adjustment, and finalization in the
+            --  context of aggregates.
+            --    Arr_Comp (1) := Ctrl_Func_Call;
+            --    begin                                  --  transient scope
+            --       Trans_Obj : ... := Ctrl_Func_Call;  --  transient object
+            --       Arr_Comp (1) := Trans_Obj;
+            --       Finalize (Trans_Obj);
+            --    end;
+            --    Arr_Comp (1)._tag := ...;
+            --    Adjust (Arr_Comp (1));
+            --  In the example above, the call to Finalize occurs too early
+            --  and as a result it may leave the array component in a bad
+            --  state. Finalization of the transient object should really
+            --  happen after adjustment.
+            --  To avoid this scenario, perform in-place side effect removal
+            --  of the function call. This eliminates the transient property
+            --  of the function result and ensures correct order of actions.
+            --  Note that the function result behaves as a source controlled
+            --  object and is finalized by the general finalization mechanism.
+            --    begin
+            --       Res : ... := Ctrl_Func_Call;
+            --       Arr_Comp (1) := Res;
+            --       Arr_Comp (1)._tag := ...;
+            --       Adjust (Arr_Comp (1));
+            --    at end
+            --       Finalize (Res);
+            --    end;
+            --  There is no need to perform this kind of light expansion when
+            --  the component type is limited controlled because everything is
+            --  already done in place.
+            if Present (Comp_Typ)
+              and then Needs_Finalization (Comp_Typ)
+              and then not Is_Limited_Type (Comp_Typ)
+              and then Nkind (Expr) /= N_Aggregate
+            then
+               Stmt_Expr := Ctrl_Init_Expression (Comp_Typ, Stmts);
+            --  Otherwise use the initialization expression directly
+            else
+               Stmt_Expr := New_Copy_Tree (Expr);
+            end if;
+            Stmt :=
               Make_OK_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
-                Name       => Indexed_Comp,
-                Expression => New_Copy_Tree (Expr));
+                Name       => New_Copy_Tree (Indexed_Comp),
+                Expression => Stmt_Expr);
             --  The target of the assignment may not have been initialized,
             --  so it is not possible to call Finalize as expected in normal
@@ -1248,7 +1387,7 @@ 
             --  actions are done manually with the proper finalization list
             --  coming from the context.
-            Set_No_Ctrl_Actions (A);
+            Set_No_Ctrl_Actions (Stmt);
             --  If this is an aggregate for an array of arrays, each
             --  subaggregate will be expanded as well, and even with
@@ -1260,33 +1399,31 @@ 
             --  that finalization takes place for each subaggregate we wrap the
             --  assignment in a block.
-            if Present (Comp_Type)
-              and then Needs_Finalization (Comp_Type)
-              and then Is_Array_Type (Comp_Type)
+            if Present (Comp_Typ)
+              and then Needs_Finalization (Comp_Typ)
+              and then Is_Array_Type (Comp_Typ)
               and then Present (Expr)
-               A :=
+               Stmt :=
                  Make_Block_Statement (Loc,
                    Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
                      Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
-                       Statements => New_List (A)));
+                       Statements => New_List (Stmt)));
             end if;
-            Append_To (L, A);
+            Append_To (Stmts, Stmt);
-            --  Adjust the tag if tagged (because of possible view
-            --  conversions), unless compiling for a VM where tags
-            --  are implicit.
+            --  Adjust the tag due to a possible view conversion
-            if Present (Comp_Type)
-              and then Is_Tagged_Type (Comp_Type)
+            if Present (Comp_Typ)
+              and then Is_Tagged_Type (Comp_Typ)
               and then Tagged_Type_Expansion
-                  Full_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Comp_Type);
+                  Full_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Underlying_Type (Comp_Typ);
-                  A :=
+                  Append_To (Stmts,
                     Make_OK_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
                       Name       =>
                         Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
@@ -1299,9 +1436,7 @@ 
                         Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag),
                             (Node (First_Elmt (Access_Disp_Table (Full_Typ))),
-                             Loc)));
-                  Append_To (L, A);
+                             Loc))));
             end if;
@@ -1316,22 +1451,22 @@ 
             --  (see comments above, concerning the creation of a block to hold
             --  inner finalization actions).
-            if Present (Comp_Type)
-              and then Needs_Finalization (Comp_Type)
-              and then not Is_Limited_Type (Comp_Type)
+            if Present (Comp_Typ)
+              and then Needs_Finalization (Comp_Typ)
+              and then not Is_Limited_Type (Comp_Typ)
               and then not
-                (Is_Array_Type (Comp_Type)
-                  and then Is_Controlled (Component_Type (Comp_Type))
+                (Is_Array_Type (Comp_Typ)
+                  and then Is_Controlled (Component_Type (Comp_Typ))
                   and then Nkind (Expr) = N_Aggregate)
-               Append_To (L,
+               Append_To (Stmts,
                    (Obj_Ref => New_Copy_Tree (Indexed_Comp),
-                    Typ     => Comp_Type));
+                    Typ     => Comp_Typ));
             end if;
          end if;
-         return Add_Loop_Actions (L);
+         return Add_Loop_Actions (Stmts);
       end Gen_Assign;